hi, I'm dean

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I used to love you so much to the point that I did everything to make you happy. But I was blind. So blind that you weren't happy anymore. I was doing the opposite. I was working too hard for all the things you want like.. a house.. car.. money. But I couldn't realise that all you want was me.

My attention.

I simply have no words on how we ended up like this.

Why do you have to leave? I can give more than this!

"I don't want you anymore! ......Let's split up."

Really? How did we end up like this? I can just stay home and stay with you. I'll give myself to you.

"Here's all the stuff you gave me. I'm... I'm going to Canada tomorrow. Bye"

I helded your arms but you took it the wrong way. I wanted you to stay.

"You can't stop me this time."

"I love you." I said. And that last glance.
"I loved you." She said as she leaves the house.

I'm currently standing in a bridge. Ready to fall in the water and care about nothing.

Should I do it? Or should I Not..

Well, here goes nothing.

"HEY! Are you DEAN? like dean the one who sang the song Instagram?" A fan said.

"Yeah.." I said.

"OMG!!! I LOVE YOUR SONGS!!!.. btw, what are you doing here?" The fan said.

"I was going to jump." I said mutually.

"Oh.. cool! Wanna jump together?" The fan said.


"My name is Bianca by the way." She took her top off and suddenly jumped.

I was still in shocked so I didn't realize immediately that she jumped.

When I realized that she jumped. I jumped for her. She probably don't know how deep the water is.

We were in the water.

"You didn't took off any of your clothes... were you planning to.. KILL YOURSELF?!?!?!" Bianca asked.

"Yeah.. should I?" I asked her.

I sunk down and she lifted me up.
"NO!!! don't you dare kill YOURSELF in front of a fan. Oh my! WAKE UP!" she snapped me out.

I released some water.
She looked at me in a ridiculous face.

"You young man.. are messed up." She said.

I just remembered my ex so I chuckled a bit.

"You think its funny? You almost died!" She said.

I stood up. Offered my hand to her.

"Do you want me to hold your hand?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.

We went to a fast food, dried ourselves up and ate something.

"You don't talk too much huh?" She said.

I nodded while eating my burger.

"Why'd you tried to kill  yourself?" She asked. So I stopped eating.

"Long story. But I'll still try to do it next time." I said.

She gave me that ridiculous look again.
"You are so messed up. Many people love your music. And I'm one of them." She said.

The fast food started playing my music.
"See!! Even the owner of this fast food chain likes you!" Bianca said.

"Its music. No one really knows me. Even you."I said.

"Do you know how many people want to live? But they don't have a choice to. You can call yourself lucky." Bianca  said.

"I think people should have the right to decide for their own." I said.

"Well, I don't think so. I think life is precious, if you take it away by your own will. That's just.. idk... immoral" she said.

I just ignored her and continued eating.

"Do you know that my dog died yesterday." She said.

"That dog was there when I was 10 years old. She was there during my worst and best times. But, life goes on." Bianca said.

"What's her name?" I asked.
"Trace." She said.

"Trace... good name"i said.

She smiled. "EAT UP! I'll be going in a few minutes. " she said.

I nodded.
She was... a nice person, made me spare my life for that one time.

I'm currently on my new appartment, I sold the house. It's pointless to live there no that she's gone. She doesn't even bother contacting me back.

I'm in a tub holding my phone.. listening to music. And holding a sharp thing.

Here goes nothing...

*Phone rings*

Wtf.. I'll just do it.

*phone rings*

Okay.. who ever this is... you are annoying.

"Hello? Dean! The company wants you to make the new song. Have you written them already? Remember your come back." My manager said.

"Yeah.. well I'm in a middle of something right now " I said.

"Well.. You have to make that song. I'll be waiting for it!" My manager said.

I guess. They still need me. I started writing the song.

*finished a song for 3 days*

I went to the company and ready for my come back.

"These songs are a bit .... depressing BUT! I LOVE IT! it's good." My manager said.

"Thanks. I'll be going now." I said.

I saw some fans around. Then.. I wondered about that one fan. Bianca....

I went to a cafe nearby.

I went in the line and about to order a bubble tea.

"Can I have your order." Bianca looked at me.

"Hi, um..  bianca. Can I have chocolate green tea." I smiled.

"Okay, $7 please." She said with a straight face.. does she recognize me?

I didn't even moved.

"Umm.. sir, can you please move here." She made me move away. I slowly sat down to my table, waiting for my order.

She then was on her break. I guess she doesn't recognize me.

"BOO! I guess you didn't kill yourself after all. "She surprised me from behind.

"I tried to.. but my manager called." I said.

"What is it this time?" She asked.

"I was in a bath tub with a sharp thing."I replied.

"Waw... classic."she said.

"Next time, go to a zoo. Then make the lions eat you." She said.

She became really different.. last time she was talking about how precious life is then now she's telling me to kill myself.

"Oh and hows music  industry?" She asked.

"Oh.. um.. great." I said. My order came.

"Chocolate green tea. Weird taste." She said.

What's up with her.. I she's like a complete different person right now.. I like it.

"What are you looking at? Is there something in my face?" She said.

"No.. nothing.. it's just that. You made me want to go to the zoo." I said

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