Im sad.

8 2 0

I want to know her better. I want her to be well. I promise to do everything this time.

Hospital bed.
*playing chess with Bianca *

"Checkmate!!!" She said.

"Ahh... you are too smart for me." I said.

"Not too talented like you though." She chuckled.

The nurse came.

"Oh.. right! ... daily needles" she said.

"Its not gonna hurt honey."the nurse said.

I hate seeing her like this. The nurse just kept on injecting different liquids in her body.

The nurse left.
"Waw.. I guess this is the feeling of dying. " she said.

"No, its suppose to be the feeling of living."I said.

"Woah.. Am I dreaming or what?" She said.

"You? Talking about living. Its sooo weird." She said.

"I know.. it's weird for me too." I said.

"I'm glad that you wanna live. I almost witnessed you die." She said.

"I don't wanna witness you dying...." I said.

Her eyes were pure of happiness.  The long stare from her was pure of ...just everything.

"Now, you should eat these fruits. It's good for the blood." I said as I peel it off for her.

"I've never felt cared like this before." She said.

I stared at her and said "come here." I offered my arms to her

I hugged her, reassuring her that everything is going to be okay.

Theres this one day where I take her out of the hospital.

"Let's go!" She said.

"Don't forget about your medication. "I reminded her.

"Yup! Mr... kwon.." she threw herself to me.

"Oops Haha, careful." I said as I carry her.

"Where are you taking me this time?"she asked.

"To paradise. " I said.

"In your bed?!" She said, she acted surprised but she was obviously kidding.

"No, were going to the beach. "I said.

"Really?!?!" She said. Smiling like a kid.

"Yeah, let's make a sand castle " I said.

She kissed me in the lips.

Oh and umm... we've been dating so it's not new.

As i kiss her back i just want her to be well. This is the first time I would ever want to give my life for someone so precious.

"I love you." I said... I said the magic word.

"Do you mean it?" She said.

"Umm.... I speak from my heart and mind ms.bianca."I said.

"Ppssshhh shut up and let's go." She said.

Walking in the sand... oh how I miss this. She missed it too.

"Look!! I caught a crab!" She said.

"What? Why are you catching crabs?" I said.

We both started laughing and I tried catching her. We ran on the sand but...

"Wait.. *breathes heavily* let's take a break " she said.

I was a bit panicking  and I carried her and made her drink water. 

She started laughing.

"You worried?" She said.

"OH MY GAHD.. were you just fooling around?" I said.

She laughs and nods.

"Not funny Bianca... not funny" I said.

She almost gave me a heart attack.  I can't lose her like that. That's ridiculous.

"I love you too." She said the magic words.

My heart started pumping really fast. I thought I was gonna die.

"Let's head back ... today was fun." She said.

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