Chapter 1: Introducing

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I wake up from the noise I hear coming from my mothers room. I hear the horrible sounds of moaning and the squeaking bed. I grab my head phones and start blasting music to drench out the noise I hear ever so often.

I place my hand against my silky soft blanket and pull it off of me.

Another day in this miserable world

I stand up from my spot and walk to the bathroom, my headphones still on me.

I look at myself in the mirror. I see the dark circles under my eyes. And the purple bruise over my left cheek. I gently touch the bruise on my cheek and twitch at the pain it gave me. It felt like little needles stabbing into my cheek. I quickly put my hand back down. I have only gotten this bruise yesterday right before I have fell asleep.

I pull up my shirt to see the outline of my ribcage and a scar I've gotten from when my mother threw a glass beer bottle at me. I also saw my hipbones popping out along with some purple bruise scattered around my very flat belly. I pull down my shirt as I don't want to remember what had happened to me.

I take off my headphones and clothes and I quickly take a shower gently washing the bruised areas as I don't want to feel anymore pain. As I feel the warm water falling down my spine I fell instantly relaxed. Sadly once I was done showering I had to get out.

I wrap a towel around me and get out of the shower. I dry myself up and put on some blue jeans with a black long sleeve sweater because I don't want people to see all the scars, cuts and cigarette burns I have all around my arms.

I start combing my hair and put it in a ponytail. I check the time and see that it is already 7:40 I grab my backpack and put on my headphones one again listening to music. I walk down stairs quickly and quietly to make sure my mom doesn't hear me. Thankful this day she was to busy doing unholy things in her room to be able to hear me walk downstairs and outside of the house.

I start walking to school by myself as I fiddle with the wire of where the headphone connected to my phone. I look down at the side walk the entire time. Once I get to school I make sure not to make eye contact with anyone for if I do someone surly will recognize me and start beating me or saying lots of hurtful but true things. Well as for today I wasn't so lucky and a group of people that hate me for no apparent reason see me and start heading my way.

"Well if it isn't Violet the little skank" I hear one of them say as they push me against the locker. I still don't make any eye contact with them, I am frozen in fear of what they might do to me if I do look at them.

"Look at me you freak" I hear one of them yell at me. But I still don't make eye contact.

"Oh so wanna play that way" I hear another one of them chuckle evilly. When I'm about to look at him I feel a sharp pain on the right side of my rib. Then again on my other side and all over my stomach. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I was so used to being hurt and feeling all this pain that I forgot how it felt to feel sad, or pain, or happy, or any other emotion that exists. All I was, was a person alive but not living.

I finally feel the pain go away so I open my eyes to see that they have left. I try to get up but I couldn't I was to weak so I stayed on the floor for a while till I regained some of my very little strength I had in me. After about two minutes I finally got the strength to get up from the ground. I walk to class with my hands on my stomach my head down low and a limp.

As I walk into class I see everyone's eyes on me but I just ignore them and head to my seat. I take my math notebook out and start writing down some equations. While I'm doing so I hear the door open, I look up to see an unfamiliar boy walk in.

"Hey is this Mrs. Kelly's class for math?" I hear the mysterious boy say.

"Oh yes you must be the new student all the way from Florida" I hear Mrs. Kelly say. I look at the boy once more he has brunette short hair  with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen they where a mix between baby blue and emerald green. He was tan but not to tan and he had the most sharpest jawline I've ever seen. He was wearing a white champion hoodie, some black ripped jeans, checkered broad vans, and an all red supreme backpack. To me he was just another guy that would probably bully me so I stopped staring at him and looked at my notes.

" well Jaeden go sit next to Ashley, Ashley raise your hand" so that's the mysterious boys name, Jaeden, it suits him. I see him smirk at Ashley and sit next to her. Ashley is another person that bullies me for no reason I guess everyone just hates my guts except for my friends I only have two but I'm ok with that. At least I have some friends.

My first friend is named Athena she has long dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. She has freckles scattered around her face and she has lots of friends. I don't know why she hangs out with me she has so many popular friends she's probably just hanging out with me out of pity. She also has a boyfriend named Steven. He has black curly hair and light brown skin, he's hispanic. He also has dark brown eyes and is kinda tall.

My other and last friend is named Jenna. She has short wavy jet black hair with the tips dyed blue. She had glasses and is light skinned. Her father is black and her mother is white. She doesn't have as many friends as Athena but she still has more friends than me. She's the second quiets as for me I'm the first.  Both of my friends are outgoing Athena is in the softball team and Jenna is in the basketball team and some clubs they both like to talk to new people well mostly Athena.

Then there's me. Violet

I have dark long curly  hair. And my eyes where once bright blue but know there just a dull grey. My skin is very pale not as tan as it used to be. And my frame is just terrifying. I'm all bone if I where to wear shorts you would be able to see my kneecap popping out and all the purple bruises around my legs that's why I wear pants everyday.

I erase my thoughts and go back to doing my notes. As I'm doing my notes I feel a weird tension coming from my left side, like someone was staring at me. I tried to ignore it but it kept getting stronger and stronger, I couldn't hold it anymore and had the urge to look so I did. What I saw was the green eyed boy looking straight at me, well at my hands for some reason. I look down at my hands to see that my cuts and scars are visible, I quickly pull down my sleeve and look at him to see that's he already looking at me. He looked in my eyes and I saw something in his eyes but I couldn't tell what it was. It was as if he felt bad for me but I just looked away.

The entire time I could feel his eyes on me but I just ignored it and did all my notes. Finally class was over and I tried getting out of there as quickly as possible so that the bully's wouldn't see me.

I got to my other class safe.

Forever Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon