Chapter 2: Friends

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It was the time I dreaded the most.

Lunch time

The time where all the people pick on me, well not infront of my friends of course. Only when I'm alone or doing something by myself.

I walk into the crowded and loud cafeteria and get my food. I go and sit at my usual table but my friends are not there.

There probably just late, you can stay alone at your table for at least two minutes right? I say to myself.

While I'm picking at my food alone at my table I see the green eyed boy looking lost, then the most unexpected thing happened he looked right at me as if he was asking permission if he can sit with me. I didn't know what to do so I just looked at him weirdly as if say why me, why would you want to sit next to the lonely broken girl. But he stopped straight at me as a guy put his arm around his shoulder and told him something. As there talking I see Jaeden nod and they start walking to a table or more pacifically the "popular" table

The guy that talked to Jaeden was a jock named Daniel he's in the football team I don't really know what position he plays because well I don't care.

So the table for the so call popular kids consist of Steven the skater boy aka Athena's boyfriend, then there's of course Daniel which I already told you about, Sadie she's in the soft ball team, Christina she's also really pretty and she loves makeup, Corbyn he's dating Christina and he has a great sense of style and then the rest are Noah,Jack,Zach,Caleb,Jonah,Gabbie,Millie, Ashley and Hannah. I would give you a little fact about all of them but the writer is to lazy.

So ya that's all the people in the popular table, I know that's a lot of people. All of the girls are dating one of the guys in the group except for Ashley. Hannah has a boyfriend but he goes to a different school I think his name is Clay or something like that but let's not get into detail.

I'm just shocked that Daniel just suddenly wanted to hang out with the new kid I mean you don't see that everyday. It's probably just because Jaeden is hot.

What the fuck am I saying he's not hot he's disgusting he's just like every other guy i can't fall for him remember what happened last time.

I shake my head and just look away, this can't happen again.

As I'm picking at my food in silence I see Athena and Jenna walking towards me but then I see Steven call Athena and Athena looks at me with sympathy and walks off to the popular table.

"Hey" I hear Jenna say as she sits down and starts eating her food.

"Hey" I say as I just watch her eat.

"Sorry I took so long it's just that the teacher called me after class to discuss something with me" she says taking another bite of her bread.

"It's alright no worries by any chance do you know why Athena was late?" I asked curiously.

"No clue" she says skeptical. I just sigh as I look down at my plate that consists of spaghetti and garlic bread which I haven't taken one bite out of.

"Your not gonna eat?" Jenna says concerned

"No I already ate I'm good" I lied, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning and that was only a cup of tea and a bowl of oatmeal.

"Are you su-" Jenna stops mid sentence as someone taps her shoulder. She looks behind her and sees one of her team mates.

"Dude let's go we have practice right now during lunch" says the girl as she tugs Jenna's shirt to get up.

"Oh shit really, I never heard coach say anything about practice at lunch today" Jenna says as she stands up.

"Really he said it last practice you where probably zoning out the entire time he was talking" she giggles

"Damn that does seems like me, sorry Vi I got to go talk to you tomorrow" Jenna says as she runs off with that girl to I think where the gym is at.

Then once again I'm alone.

I mean I'm used to it this happens a lot of the time. Athena's boyfriend wants her to go to his table and most of the time Jenna has practice during lunch. But who am I to blame it's probably just god telling me I will always be lonely.

As I go stand up to throw away my uneaten food I fall straight on my stomach. I look up to see Noah laughing while his foot was hanging outside of his table. I get up from the ground and see that everyone is laughing at me. While I throw away my food I look at my shirt and see it's stained with tomato sauce.

That's why they where laughing at me

I run to the bathroom and try to wipe off the tomato sauce but it's no use. As I look at myself in the mirror I just wonder.  

Why does everyone hate me? 
Why am I even alive?
If I where to kill myself would anyone notice?
Why can't I be as beautiful as all the girls in this school?
Why... why... why...

I hear the bell ring. And I realize that I'm sitting on the floor shaking. Once I catch my breath I look at myself one more time in the mirror and head to class.

3 hours of going to different classes

I hear the bell ring and I start packing up my bag getting ready to leave out of this hell hole.
As I'm walking down the halls I get pushed and tossed by lots of people and called names. But then finally that's all over and I'm outside of school.

But then I remember.

My house is twice as worst as my school.

I guess god really does hate me.

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