Chapter 4: Hospital

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Jaeden's POV-

"SOMEBODY HELP" I screamed as Violet on the floor unconscious. I was furious the kids just sat there, not caring what so ever for god sace. They just say there looking unfazed.

Finally the teacher calls the office and helps me pick her up to take her to the nurse.

We get to the nurse and she seemed really worried.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked concerned pacing around in the little room where the nurse is at.

"Unfortunately shes going to have to the hospital because she's not showing any signs of waking up" they lady said in a calm voice. Why the fuck hasn't she already called them didn't she get the message when we said she fainted! That just got me even more pissed.

The police finally arrived and took her to the hospital.

"Is and family here or anybody have a relationship ship with her that will be able to come?" Said one of the police officers.

"I'll go!" I almost screamed as I was making my way to go in truck that she was in.

"Woah buddy and what are you to her?" He said.

"Well um I'm her boyfriend Jaeden" I lied.

"Ok well hop on" the police officer said as he got in his car.

I went in the back of the truck that she was in and away we where.

Violets POV-

It was dark. I couldn't move, see our speak all I could do was listen.

"I'm sorry but the reason she fainted was duo to the lack of calories she's eating and a lot of stress and anxiety" I hear what I'm assuming is a doctor.

"Oh wow I never new she was stressed out I just though that she was in a bad mood" oh no.. that was Jaeden's voice what the hell is he doing here.

All of a sudden I see a bright light. Oh god am I going to heaven did I finally die.

Nope.. as I opened my eyes there was a bright light shining in my face and I realized that I was in a hospital bed.

"Good your awake" the doctor says.

"What happened why am I here did I do something to myself?!" I freaked out.

"Hey hey chill your here because you fainted in class and wouldn't wake up. We put an IV in your arm that aloud you to take medicine to help you wake up. This apparently happened because you haven't been eating and your under a lot of stress and anxiety." Jaeden sighed.

"Shit I hope my mom isn't here otherwise she'll beat me ass" I whispered to myself.

"Your mom what?" He said with a confused face.

"It's nothing just wanted to know if my mom's here" I sighed.

"No sorry I don't think they called your parents yet" Jaeden said as I got up my bed and took out the IV out of my hand with a hiss.

"Hey! What are you doing you have to wait here till the doctors tell you it's fine to go home" he said as he tried to sit me back down.

"Well if I don't leave now the doctors are going to call my mom and I don't want to deal with that" I said as I was walking out the door with him following me.

"Why don't you want your mom to find out?"

"Because... I just can't okay!" I said and was speed walking out the door or the hospital, him trying to keep up.

"Okay I get it, but would you like a ride" he asked.

"You have your car with you?"

"I mean the hospital isn't too far from the school so while you where asleep I decided to walk to school and get my car" he scratched his head.

"How long was I out for" I said as I was getting into his car which was right in front of the hospital.

"You where out for almost two hours" he plainly said.

"TWO HOURS" I screamed.

"Hey calm down drink some water" he handed me the water and I drank from it.

"How did you even get in my room?"

"Well you see um I had to um like lie so I said I was ur um...boy...friend" he cringed.

"MY WHAT" I almost spit out my water.

"Ya sorry it was the only way" he mumbled. "I can take you back to school if you want" he suggested.

"No no no it's ok that's the second to last place I want to be at" I said.

"What's your first"


"You said that's your second to last place you want to be at so what's your first?" He asked.

"it's nothing" I sighed

"No I'm not letting you leave me hanging like that time where you whispered something and didn't want to tell me... I heard what you said" I froze for a second and just didn't say anything.

"I saw you" once he said that my heart sunk.

"I was walking by the park to go to the store to get some quick snacks and I saw you... you where laying on a bench. Sleeping. Why?" I almost let a tear fall but I had to hold it in.

How did I not see him walking across the park? Why did I let my face be seen? God I'm so stupid. I mentally hit myself.

"I-" and that's when the tears fell. Who knew a single word such as "I" could make you break down so easily, just one word.

That's when he held me, and I sobbed into his chest. He didn't say anything. He didn't say "it was going to be ok". He just held me, because he knew.. he knew that everything wasn't going to be ok and that saying it would be worthless. And for that very moment that he held me and I sobbed into his chest I felt like nothing could hurt me. I felt save.

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