Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home

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As I walk down the street I hear something moving behind me. I try not to look at who it is and just start walking faster to my house even though it's the last place I want to be at. But as I start walking faster I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey" I turn around and see the green eyed boy look straight at me.

"Oh um hey" I sounded so stupid why is he even talking to me, is this a dare?

"So your in my math class right my names Jaeden" he smiles a friendly smile.

"Ya your the new kid right? I'm Violet" I say pretending as if I didn't already know who he was even in that short amount of time I saw him.

"Yup moved over here from Florida" he said.

"Why are you talking to me" I say genuinely curious and confused as to why he decided, oh well look it's that girl everyone hates and picks on might as well talk to her, I just don't get it.

He looked at me in surprised as to what just came out of my mouth.

"Can't I just talk to you and make a friend " he said with a little sadness in his voice which made me feel guilty.

"I guess but why me is this a dare if so get the fuck away from me" I say trying to avoid eye contact.

"What the fuck are you talking about this isn't a dare and I just wanted to talk to a beautiful girl that's all" I just look at him and scoff.

"Me beautiful must be blind if you think I'm beautiful" I say with a bitter laugh.

"I have no idea what your talking about, if only you can see how I look at you then you would be able to see how gorgeous you are" he flirted with me. But I just stare at him blankly I wanted to smile and actually believe him but I couldn't. I cant fall for Jaeden the way I fell for him.

"Can you just stop" I said seriously but he didn't think so.

"Stop what, looking at your stunning ocean blue eyes" he smiled.

"No stop this, stop flirting with me and saying lots of nice things about me because I know it's not true. I saw you smirk at Ashley in math class don't act like you weren't flirting with her too. I won't sit here and be your little girl toy that you only use when your bored. I won't let this happen again, this can't happen again" I whispering the last part. All he does is look at me in shock and doesn't say a word.

"well this is my stop bye" I whisper at him without making eye contact and start walking to my house all I can feel is the burning sensation of his eyes watching my every move. I mean I do feel bad but I wouldn't let it get stuck in my head. I finally get to the door and brace myself as I walk in.

Once I walked in, I'm hit with the strong smell of cigarettes,sex and beer. Is it sad to say I'm used to it by know?

I close the door as quietly and carefully as I can  as I don't want to make any noise. Which I do successfully, thank god even though he hates my guts. I look into the living room and see my mom with some random guy both passed and all they where wearing were there undergarments. I walked upstairs as fast and quietly as I could and head to my room.

Once I got to my room I closed the door and lock it and lay on my bed and start thinking.  


I woke up after hearing someone banging and screaming through my door.

"Open this god damn door right now before I beat your ass!" I heard my mom scream.

When in the world did I fall asleep.

"Didn't you just hear me open this damn door before I break it and you don't have one anymore!" She banged on the door.

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