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|(Y/N) POV|

You walked through the hallway with your head down. You felt like everyone's eyes were on you,like everyone was judging you as you walked to your locker.

"I'm gonna get my stuff and meet you in the computer lab later. Okay?" You ask your brother as you put in your locker combination.

"Ok!" Evan says with a smile as he walks towards the computer lab.

You grab everything you need for class and walk to the computer lab to hang out with your brother before class starts.

"(Y/N) I finished my letter" Evan says with a small smile.

"Cool" you say back to him as you stand on the other side of the printer.

"Heyyy Hansen's!" You hear Jared yell at you and your brother.

"Hey J-jared" Evan stuttered out. Evan always stutters around people who aren't you.

"How was your summer?" You ask stepping back from the kid with glasses because you felt anxious around him because he always tried to flirt with you.

"Great my team dominated in capture the flag!" He says with enthusiasm. You tune him out as he continues to rambel about obvious fake stuff.

"Hey Connor!" Jared says  pulling you out of your thoughts. You look up a Jared and Evan and follow their gaze to see them looking at a tall boy with black clothes on,long brown hair,black chipped nails,and blue eyes but you could see a little bit of brown in one of them which you thought looked cool.

"Loving the new hair length looking very school shooter chic!" Jared says to the boy Connor Murphy.

The boy stands there staring at Jared with a glare. You walk over to Evan and take his hand in yours, you can tell he was getting nervous and so were you.

"...It was a joke.." Jared says to Connor breaking the silence.

"No..it's funny I'm laughing. Can't you tell?...Am I not laughing hard enough for you?!!" Connor says in an angry tone as he steps closer to Jared.

"You're such a freak!" Jared says before he walks away.

You and Evan stand there silent until Evan let's out a small cough.

"You think I'm a freak!" Connor says walking towards us.

I get nervous and look at Evan who was just as nervous as me.

"No I didn't-" He tries to say but Connor cuts him off by yelling again and stepping closer to you and your brother. You let out a squeak in fear which is something you do when you are really nervous or scared and right now you were very nervous.

"What! You think I'm a freak!!" Connor yells at you which causes you to let out another small squeak from the closeness of your faces.

"No I didn't say anythi-" You try to say before you're cut off by Connor once again.

"SHUT UP! I'M NOT THE FREAK! YOU'RE THE FUCKING FREAK!!" Connor yells at you as he shoves you which makes you slip from Evan's grasp and fall on the floor and hit your head against the computer lab desk.

Tears comes to your eyes as you feel the excruciating pain in your head. Your bottom lip quivers slightly as you let out small whimpers and tears fall down your cheeks.

"(Y/N)!! are you ok!?" Evan ask with concern in his voice.

"M-my head hurts" you say holding your head with tears still flowing down your eyes.

"I'll call mom!" Evan says as he helps you up to your feet and pulls his phone out of his back pocket. He dials your mom's number and walks a couple steps away  as he talks to your mom on the phone.

You look up and see Connor looking down at you with something you didn't see before in his eyes... concern. Connor looks in the other direction and walks away.

"Mom says she'll call the school and tell them to let us go home so you can rest because she can't get off of work.." Evan says as he holds your hand and helps you walks to the office just in case you fall or something.


I wrote this in the morning on the bus and then later on once I got home after school so I'm sorry if it's bad.

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