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It's is 4:35 on July 3rd and I am sitting on my bed eating cookies and watching cosplay skits..so I thought why not write a new chapter.

|(Y/N) POV|

I walked into the Murphy's house and followed Zoe up the stairs. I was a little nervous sleeping over at someone's house since I've never had or been to a sleepover before.

"This is my room!" Zoe says with a smile on her face. I give her a small smile and look around her room. Her room was nice and big she had posters of band stuff and pictures of her friends on her walls and a small couch with pillows and a blanket on it so I guessed I was sleeping there. "Have you eaten yet?" She asks me.

"Yes" I reply lying hoping she won't catch on. She smiles and says she will be downstairs eating dinner with her parents and that she wouldn't be long.

I sat on the couch in Zoe's room making myself at home daydreaming about random things. Until I hear.."You should eat something!" I jump at the voice and look up to see the owner of it..Connor.

"I-i alread-dy ate.." I say looking away from him. If I'm being honest I'm afraid of him after what happened. I can feel him staring at me,his blue eyes peering into my soul. I clear my throat and shift on the couch feeling at bit uncomfortable. "I'm not hungry" I say trying to make him leave me alone.

"I don't buy it." He says looking still looking at me. He sits close to me on the couch..really close. "I-I'm sorry for ya know.." he says looking around. He lets out a sigh and looks at his lap "I'm sorry for pushing you.." he looks up at me and I notice his eyes..they are beautiful. They are blue but one of them has a little bit of brown they were fascinating.

"It's o-" I was about to say before I was interrupted.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! LEAVE HER ALONE YOU ASS!!" I hear Zoe yell. Her yelling makes my head hurt like blood just rushed to it and everything started to spin. I let out a soft moan of pain before I get extremely dizzy. The last thing I see it Connor's worried expression......worried?..


~Later that night~

My annoying ass sister covered (Y/N) up with the blanket. I don't know why but she was so...cute..and peacefully when she was asleep. I couldn't stop staring at her she had beautiful (H/C) (H/L) hair,a nice and perfect (B/T),amazing (S/C) skin, and the most amazing (E/C) eyes I have ever seen in my life. I could look at her all day but sadly all good things must end.

"Okay creep you've had your minute to stare at her now get out!" Zoe yelled but not to loudly to wake up (Y/N). She pushed me out of her room and shut the door. I walked back to my room and let out a frustrated sigh as I got into my pyjamas and flopped down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. "What is she doing to me!?" I muttered.



I woke up and walked out of my room I needed a glass of water. Once I walked outside I saw (Y/N) sitting by the steps as I got closer I noticed she was...crying...it made me a little sad to see her like that. I walked up and sat next to her. She sniffed and wiped away the tears that had stained her cheeks. She looked at me and her eyes were puffy.

"What's wrong?" I asked her softly with concern on my voice. She sniffed once more and took in a shakey breathe before she spoke.

"I-I h-had-d an-n anx-xiety att-attack-k.." She stuttered out. I noticed she was shaking so I slowly wrapped my arms around her "What am I doing?!!?" I thought to myself. She looked up at me with her teary (E/C) eyes and I don't know what came over me but I....I kissed her.

In that moment it felt like it was just me and her,the world was gone,I felt sparks,I felt my body become warm,it felt like something I have never felt before in my life..and I liked it. I pulled away for air and looked at her. She had a shocked look on her face and a tint of pink on her (S/C) cheeks. I didn't know what to do next so I just stood up and looked away from her "You should get some sleep.." I said before I walked back into my room and locked the door laying down on my bed and rethinking over what I had just done...I kissed her!


I am finally finished with this chapter it is now 5:50AM I seriously will try to update at least once a week but I have been super busy i hope you like this. I am now going to try to sleep.

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