Chapter 4

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Shayne's Pov: 

I spent the whole car ride talking with Olivia, i was so suprised to see her taking everything that happend so easy, but i know, shes not going to be able to recover fully. We arrive near our office parking lot, before we get out i need to ask her something tho.

"Hey... Olivia, i know we just got together today but i wanna ask you if you want us to reveal it to others?" i ask her with a smile and knowing that whatever she chooses ill be by her side. She looks out the window pondering at what our plan of action is. 

She turns to face me. 

"To be honest Shayne, im not afraid to show how much i love you no matter who sees" she smiles at me, i lean in. I place my lips onto hers. We get out of the car and head inside. Im always baffeled by our new office that our new parent company had custom built for us. Its a 10 million dollar office with 5 floors and it has about 7 different recording studios. Our security guard luis let us in because i had forgotten my security pass card. Me and Olivia head for the hangout room. We get greeted by Keith and courtney.

"Hey, where have yall been? we need to get ready to record Olivia's sketch today" Courtney asks, shit i had forgotten about the sketch and im pretty sure ive also forgotten a few of my lines.

"Yeh sure, can i get 5 minutes to rehearse?" i ask, she nods but tells me to be ready in five. I hurry up with Olivia to start rehearsing. After roughly five minutes me and Olivia are somewhat ready to begin. In the sketch me and Courntey play love intrests because at the time Olivia were writing it, we werent a thing, she told me that its fine and were actors its what we do. I dont feel anything more then a bond of friendship with Courtney so i wasnt worried about it, what i werent expecting tho was that during our makeout scene Courtney tired to slip in her tounge. It kinda made me panic a little and i denied her. She looked a little dissapointed but i shrugged it off.

"you good?" i asked her after our scene.

"Yeah... im good" she gives me a weak smile. Well that was kinda akward i guess. 

Courtney's Pov:

I need to speak with Olivia about my feelings, i... i want to tell Shayne but after our "Scene" im kinda doubting my confidence. I took a blind guess and went straight to the makeup room and Olivia was there.

"Hey Liv, can i speak with you under 4 eyes?" i asked her nodding to a empty office room across from the makeup room.

"Sure, give me like 2 sec" she responds and i walk into the empty office. I took deep breaths before the door opens and reveal Olivia walking in.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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