Chapter 16.

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I let out a sigh as I sit in the backyard of my house. I run a hand through my long hair and rub my tired eyes, hating today and wanting nothing more than for it to be over. "Are we going to talk about this, or?" I look up to him, my eyebrow raised as I shake my head. "We're talking about your ex showing up at my work and practically hanging off your side."

I chuckle, "Not about the sweet butt that you screamed at for not leaving before anyone got there?" I ask him with a narrowed gaze. "Listen, if you're looking for a baby momma who you can cheat on and do whatever, I would've thought that you got the hint last time you tried this on me."

Opie sighs, taking a seat beside me. "That's not what happened, I swear to god." He runs a hand through his long hair, "It was Jax. He's been fucking Ima every time shit goes south with Tara, and he's going to get caught eventually. He told her to leave before we went out, and he was pissed to see her still there." I shake my head, not believing him. He notices this and lets out another sigh, "I learned from the last time. I'm not fucking this up again."

"There's just something that isn't sitting right with this whole thing, Ope. I don't know." I admit to him, not feeling a hundred percent about the situation or Ima. "Just the way those women act around you guys makes me paranoid. I see why Tara hates crow-eaters and Cara Cara so much."

Opie nods, "I get it, I really do, but I promise that had nothing to do with me. I was just trying to help Jax out." I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder, giving him the benefit of the doubt. "I'm sorry, babe. I love you."

"I love you too. Sorry for freaking out." I admit my overreaction.

Opie chuckles and runs a hand through my hair, "It's fine. I may or may not have planned the death of Rick when I saw him." I roll my eyes and stand up, letting out a small laugh as I begin to head inside. "There's a party going on tonight at the clubhouse if you want to come."

I shrug, not knowing if I'm feeling up to it. "Maybe for a little bit." Opie nods and we decide to make dinner together, hoping that this day starts to look up.


I walk onto the lot with Opie, groaning at all of the sweet butts and crow-eaters. I shake my head as I notice them walking around, clinging to any man in leather that they can see. "In and out." I tell him, not wanting to be here for longer than needed. Opie nods and we get closer to the crowd before we begin to mingle.

The night continues on and I notice Jax in a slump on the couch as women flock to him. I raise an eyebrow and walk over to him, wanting to see if he's okay. He notices me and gives me a sad smile, "Hey girl." He says, "Shouldn't you be by Ope?"

I chuckle, "I came to see how you're doing. You look... off." I admit to my old friend. Jax shrugs, "Want to take this elsewhere?" I ask him and he nods, standing up with the beer bottle in hand as he begins to walk towards his apartment. I follow him and take a seat on a wooden chair he has by the dresser. I watch as Jax falls onto his bed, the alcohol getting to him.

"Things are shit with Tara. I've been sleeping with Ima non-stop, and I'm just tired of trying to make shit work when they clearly aren't meant to." He tells me as he stares at the ceiling. He lets out a sigh as he sits up, "Shits so easy with you and Ope, and I wish I had that. I'm jealous, I guess."

I raise an eyebrow, "Why would you be jealous? You know things haven't exactly been easy with us."

Jax runs a hand through his hair and sighs once more, "I guess I kind of thought things wouldn't turn out the way they did. That maybe when you left, you'd move on with someone else. I don't know, maybe I thought it would be with me. I came and saw you all the time, would call constantly and then you came back and it was straight back to him."

My eyes widen and I gawk at the man, shocked by his confession. "Jax, you're just saying this because you're dru-"

He shakes his head, "Nah, I mean it. I've always felt this thing between us and I was disappointed when you and Ope rekindled. I guess I was hopeful in the sense of wanting to try things with you. Maybe if shit with Tara went another way we could've had our chan-"

"No, Jax, nothing would've changed this. I'm in love with Opie and I'm having his baby. You're saying this because you're upset about your marriage and because you're drunk. I love you, but not the same way as Ope and you know that."

Jax sighs, "I'll always be second best."

I chuckle, shaking my head, "You know damn well that that's not true." I tell the blonde man as I stand up, running a hand through his hair. "I fought Tara for you and I'd probably do it again if I wasn't a professional."

Jax laughs, "That was hot."

I groan, "Jesus Christ, J-"

"Just, don't brush this off fully, eh? I mean it."

I sigh, feeling awkward and nod. "Yeah, I'll do my best, Jax." I tell him before walking to his door and closing it behind me. I lean on the door and sigh, closing my eyes as my world spins around me.

What the fuck.

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