Ch. 3 | Mrs. Sanderson's Fate

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~Y/n's pov~

It has been two days since I've met Addison Apartments' residents. I'm walking around my floor, while listening to music, until I saw Sally Face.

"Sally Face!"

"Hey Y/n!"

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, but you know Mrs. Sanderson?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Well, there's a policeman guarding her door."

"Oh man... I hope nothing terrible happened! Mrs. Sanderson is such a lovely lady."

"I agree. Let's go to the basement, and tell Larry!"

We rushed into the elevator, and I inserted the keycard that Lisa recently gave me, to access to the basement. As the elevator started jerking, as it moved down. We arrived on the basement floor, and walked to Larry's door. Sal knocked, and for once, Larry answered.

"Sup dudes."

"Sup Larry Face."

"Hey Larry."

"What's up?"

"I saw a policeman standing infront of Mrs. Sanderson's door."

"Holy crap, man... let's go have a look!"

Larry shuts the door, and the three of us ran to the elevator, I pressed the button to go up to the second floor. But of course, the elevator started jerking. I wish they could eventually fix this problem.

When the doors opened, we rushed out to see the policeman standing in front of apartment 203. He had blonde hair, and a long mustache.

The door to Mrs Sanderson's apartment had no handle, there was scratches everywhere, and police tape was blocking the entrance to 403.

"Hello, what happened here?" Sal politely asked the policeman.

"It's none of your business, you little freak. Now scram, and take your friends with you, I don't get paid to babysit kids."

Wow... rude much? Larry, Sal, and I walked back into the elevator, with the looks of disappointment, and anger on our faces.

"Such a fucking asshole"

"Yeah, we are old enough to not have a babysitter."

As we entered the elevator, I noticed the button to go to the fifth floor. Me being curious, I pressed the button.

As the elevator went up, it jerked, as usual. When we reached the fifth floor, the three of us explored the chaotic floor, until I saw a sign that read:


This floor is
currently being
For your safety
please make
your way to the
nearest exit.


It wouldn't hurt to take a few minutes to explore this mysterious floor... right?

As we walked around, this eerie feelings took over me. I immediately brushed that feeling away like it was nothing, but I was still aware of my surroundings. We kept looking around, until I opened the door to room 504.

"Guys! Come look here!"

The guys sprinted towards me as I pointed into the apartment, and we all cautiously walked into the room... to be welcomed to man sitting on newspapers.

How Deep Is Your Love | Sally Face x Fem! Reader Where stories live. Discover now