Chapter 6

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Nash finally picks us up. and we drive to Shawn's place. I put all my stuff down and I am talking to all the guys when there is a knock on the door. shawn gets up to go open the door. and it is a girl standing there.

"Omg Shawny. I heard you were back in town and I just had to see you!" Says the girl with the long brown hair and green eyes. she was about the same height as me. She gives him a big hug. I couldn't help but feel jealousy.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. "Babe who is this?" I ask trying to hide my feelings about this.

"This is Jordan we went to school together since second grade. Jordan this is Hannah." I hold my hand out to be nice and I say hey but all she does is give me dirty looks. "Why don't you come in and sit down." Shawn offers while walking to the couch. All the guys are looking at me at this point. Shawn goes and sits down by the arm rest and I go to sit down right beside him but she pushes me out of the way. after several minutes of her and shawn laughing and having fun I get up and go to the kitchen.

I reach in the fridge grab me a water and run upstairs to our room with saying anything. I look behind me as I was running up the stairs and Shawn and Jordan where all staining at me. She had a little smirk on her face. I bet she was happy because she could just get on step closer to him

I sit down on the floor beside my bed and start to cry. I have never cried so hard in my life. it was all perfect till she has to show up. Should I have stayed at home? should I have not even taken the best present ever? at this point I just want to sit here and cry.


*** sorry it was so short but I will be updating a lot tonight but thanks for reading it I hope you like it so far ***

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