Chapter 8

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*** Hey I still need girlfriends for:

•Cameron-now taken

•Carter- now taken

•Jack G- now taken

• Jack J


If you are interested in being any of there girlfriends just comment who you want to be with and I will put you in the story with you and your boyfriend :) thanks.


Shawn's POV

I look at and she is all ready looking at me with a smile in her face. I walk over to her hug her and pick her up.

"I-I'm so so so so sorry Hannah. You are not a wast of time. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. This is all my fault no of this would have happened if I didn't let her come in. I'm sorry." I feel so bad I just hug her and hug her until she says she can't breath. I didn't know I was squeezing her that hard. I just didn't want to let her go.

Hannah's POV

I could tell he felt terrible about it so we went and sat on the couch and we just sat there and I comforted him. It wasn't his fault she acted the way she did.

"I'm sorry, to break up this sweet moment again, but I am starving does anyone agree?" Taylor says. all the boys agree. Me and Shawn start to laugh, "When aren't you hungry?" then we all start to laugh at about that time the door bell rings. this time I go and get the door. We don't need any thing else to happen today.

I look through the little peep hole and almost flip. It is Zerriah and Taner. I open the door and we all start screaming and hugging. Taylor and Nash turn around to see what was going on and they see them Taylor gets up so quickly and runs to Zerriah that I have every seen him run and they hug and start to kiss. "come on get a room!" every one yells and starts laughing. Taner and Nash meets half way they do the same thing. Zerriah and Taner haven't gotten to see Taylor and Nash since they left for tour. I ask where the rest if the girls are and Zerriah said that Aubree couldn't fly down here today but she would be down here sometime this week and Taner said that Hailey was still packing and moving into there new house. So she also wouldn't be in for another week.

"Are y'all hungry? We were just about to head to Taco Bell." I ask them and they shook there head yes. We all go and jump into the SUV and head to Taco Bell then Starbucks.

To be continues...

*** I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't any good I have had a lot of stuff that has been going on I. My mind lately but I am trying my best. but thanks so much to the people that have been reading this! I know it ain't a lot but in only two days I thank it is so thank you :) ***

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