[Chapter 2]

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     "So what do you guys want to eat?" The group of six sit in a round booth together in a diner as Courtney and Yvette sit on both ends of the booth, Timothy and Vaughn sit on the inside, and (Y/n) and Rhys sat in the middle next to each other. The superiors on one side and the employees on the other. Rhys can't help his faint blush from dusting his cheeks at how close he sat next to (Y/n) as he and his two friends looked at the menu.

     "Uhm... I'm not so sure what I want." Rhys says as he looked at the other two, "You really don't have to get us lunch-" Vaughn elbows him and Yvette coughs out loud.

     "You do know this is free, right?" Vaughn whispers to him as Yvette nods, Rhys gave them a glare half-heartedly. (Y/n) chuckles softly.

     "It's fine, this is my treat." She looks over at Timothy and Courtney, "Do you two want anything?" They both shake their heads.

     "I'm not that hungry but I'll take a black coffee." Timothy says as he leaned back in the booth and put his arm comfortably on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

     "Same, I'll take a cup of coffee, decaf." Courtney says with a small smile. (Y/n) nods as she returned the smile to them.

     "Alright. Tell me when you guys change your minds." The two nod as she looked back at the other three, "So, what are you three getting?" 

     "I'll get a cheeseburger. But without the tomatoes and pickles and onions. And a soda." Vaughn says.

     "And I want chicken sandwich with a side of home fries and a cup of carbonated water." Yvette says as she and Vaughn low five each other and Rhys sighed heavily at them and rubbing his face, wanting to hide away. (Y/n) laughs softly and looks at Rhys.

     "What about you?" She asks as Rhys perks up slightly and looked at the menu, he still haven't chose what he was gonna get.

     "U-Um, I'll just have a hamburger with a side of fries and water." He says quickly as he closed the menu and looked down at her with a light blush. (Y/n) smiles as she nods.

     "Sounds good. How do you want your burger?" She asks as she rested the side of her face in her palm while looking at him, her button up showing a bit more of her cleavage and unnoticeable to her. Rhys glances down and his blush got slightly darker as he stared.

     "Uhm... Juicy- I-I mean medium rare!" Rhys stammered as he quickly glanced back up at her, face getting darker and internally hoping no one caught on to it. But they all did as Courtney and Timothy stared at him with their brow arched. While Vaughn and Yvette stared at Rhys in total disbelief and glancing at (Y/n).

     "Great choice. I like medium-rare too." She hummed with a smile as she looked at the menu.

     'She didn't notice...' They all thought to themselves and to the three friends' relief. Rhys looked at her and away as he placed the menu closed on the table.

     "We have so much in common..." Rhys mumbles under her breath before quietly adding, "I think I'm in love..."

     "What was that?" (Y/n) asks as she looked over to him with a head tilt, Rhys blushes as he's about to make up an excuse and Vaughn claps his hands together to cut him off.

     "I think I need to head to the bathroom real quick!" He then shoots a Rhys a look, "Rhys, come with me." Rhys looks at him in confusion.

     "But don't need to go-." Vaughn takes his arm and shooed Yvette away so they can both get out.

     "Yes you do so come on." He says as he pulled Rhys away. Courtney, Timothy, and (Y/n) watch them head to the restroom with confused expressions before looking at Yvette, who smiles sheepishly and shrugs with a nervous laugh.

("Hate Fest" Sequel) Rainbows and Sunshine [Handsome Jack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now