[Chapter 22]

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     The woman, Vallory, doesn't say anything but continue to sneer as she kneeled down to offer Fiona a hand up. She looked her her hand and up at Vallory, a large scar running across one half of her face over her eye that was hidden under her sunglasses. Fiona hesitatingly takes her hand and the large woman helps her up. "Thanks."

      "Don't mention it." The older woman says with a raspy voice. A sniper on the rooftops aim at them as the other groan and slowly come into consciousness. (Y/n) staggered up to her feet, holding her side with her other hand before falling back to the ground as her red bloodied hand smeared the ground. Fiona sees this and her eyes widen.


     Vallory sees her and smirks, "Well, if it isn't Lil' Red. You look like you've seen better days." (Y/n) growls through clenched teeth as she struggled to get back up, pushing her body up by her forearm and glaring daggers at her. A bandit kneeled down beside her and grabs her hair by the roots to yank her head up violently and she hissed when she felt pain shoot through her body from the wound.

     "Shit!" Vallory chuckles and looks at Fiona.

     "So, seeing the state that she's in right now. I suppose she's not the one in charge." Vallory says with a brow arched, "You the leader of this little outfit?" Fiona looks back at them nervously as Rhys squatted next to Vaughn still unmoving body.

     "Hey, you alright there, buddy?"


      "Oh... right, cause of the... yeah."

     "Nope..." Fiona says while looking at Vallory, "I just landed closer to you."

      "There she is." One bandit says with green shades and another with a mustache walked up to them, "You remember me?"

     "Great... These jackasses." Sasha hugged while crossing her arms.

     "Oh, she remembers alright." The bandit with the mustache says as they walked closer.

     "Oh... yeah..." Fiona says before smirking, "You look, uh... different."

     "I look different cause you made me look different!" The bandit with the green shades growled.

     "Yeah man, she knows. She's messin' with you, dude." The bandit with the mustache, Kroger, tried to reassure.

      "All right. That's enough!" The other barked as he stomped towards Fiona. Vallory holds up a hand in front of him to stop him in his tracks.

      "Calm down, Finch."

      "She's the one that burnt up my hair!" Finch growled.

      "Oh come on, dude. You still got a little left." Kroger says.

      "Please," Finch begged Vallory, "just-just let me shoot hot girl in the face.

     "Get back in the truck. ("Just her." Finch pointed at Fiona.) You're being a nuisance." Vallory growled. He pouts and backs off. She sent the two a glare and waved them off.

      "Me too? But-man, I didn't even-Man..." Kroger points to himself and huffs as he and Finch walked back, "why you always gettin' me in trouble?"

      "Just to get this out of the way..." Fiona starts while crossing her arms over her chest, "Those guys might be afraid of you... But I'm not."

      "Stop Fiona... Sh-She's dangerous-!" (Y/n) hissed through gritted teeth before the bandit slams her face into the ground with the grip still on her hair and pulling her head back up roughly. Blood runs down her nose and she coughs out blood while stifling a pained yell through clenched teeth, her cybereye flickering slightly from the impact. Rhys' and Sasha's eyes widen.

("Hate Fest" Sequel) Rainbows and Sunshine [Handsome Jack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now