[Chapter 9]

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     Rhys yawned as stretched back, hearing satisfying popping sounds and sitting up from the couch that he slept on. Rubbing the nape of his neck and cracking his neck side to side with a quiet groan. His eyes open and his ECHO eye scan the surroundings as he sees his three friends still sleeping, the eye immediately scans to the table to see toothpaste with four toothbrushes. Rhys lets out a quiet chuckle as he stood up and takes a toothbrush and the toothpaste. He walks over to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Once he was done, he fixed his hair a bit in the mirror and Jack suddenly popped up from behind him.

     "Boo." Rhys jumps with a start and frowns at Jack as the AI chuckled, "Got ya."

     "Not cool, dude." Rhys says with a huff while leaving the bathroom and walking to the kitchen.

     "Oh don't be like that, cupcake. Just playing around a bit since I have nothing better to do." Jack sighed as he put his fingers through Rhys' head and caused his head to feel an uncomfortable buzz and shock. Rhys grunts and moves his head away from the holographic hands.

     "Cut it out." He says in annoyance as Jack snickered. (Y/n) walks in the kitchen with a soft yawn.

     "Morning." She hummed as she walked passed him in nothing but a oversized t-shirt that reaches to her mid thigh.

     "Morning." Rhys and Jack say before immediately pausing and staring at her up and down.

     "Your friends not up yet?" (Y/n) asked as she opened the fridge and leaned down a bit to find something to eat. Rhys snapped out of his trance but still stared as he nodded.

     "U-Um yeah. It's still early so they won't wake up in the next hour or so, soo..." He drifted off softly as his eyes studied her legs up to her thighs, his head tilting slightly. Jack continues to stare at her as well.

     "Let me take over, kiddo." Jack says suddenly while staring as Rhys snapped his attention to Jack with a frown.

     "What? No." He says in a hushed voice.

     "What was that?" (Y/n) asks as she closed the fridge and looked at Rhys, tilting her head to the side with a pure and innocent expression. Totally oblivious of how much of an effect she had on Rhys and Jack, Rhys swallowed thickly as he tried to keep his gaze on her face and not down at her smooth and soft legs.

     "You've gotta let me take over, kid." Jack says as Rhys huffed to himself and smiled sheepishly at her.

     "Nothing. I uh, I'll be right back." He says as he quickly walked back to the bathroom. (Y/n) watched him walk away in confusion before shrugging and walking over to the cabinet, taking out a box of cereal. Rhys gets back to the bathroom and closes the door. "Dude, what's wrong with you? I can't just let you take control just so you can feel her up?"

     "Oh come, please?" Jack whined.

     "No." Rhys says firmly while crossing his arms over his chest, "You can't be this desperate." Jack drops to his knees.



     "Oh come on. I'm on my knees here." Rhys arched a brow with a frown.

     "For the last time, Jack. No." Jack huffs and stands back up.

     "Then you leave me no choice, cupcake." He says as he vanished and Rhys' eyes widen.

     "Nonononono..." He could feel Jack taking over as Rhys' vision starts to fade, hunching over and gripping his head, "Don't do it."

     "Just this once..." Jack says in Rhys' head as his ECHO eye goes from blue to yellow. A smirk forms on Rhys' lips as he straightened himself up and stared in the mirror. Rhys was now Jack, only in Rhys' body though so Rhys' conscious was forced somewhere in the back of his brain.

("Hate Fest" Sequel) Rainbows and Sunshine [Handsome Jack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now