Chapter 2

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My hands continue to shake as Roger returns to the living room carrying a glass of water. I can't very much explain what happened. Well, I could barely form a sentence at the moment. Roger hands the cup to my and I slowly raise my shaking hand. I take a sip of the ice cold water, which feels very off because I felt very warm like I had a fever, I also felt dizzy, like I had gotten up way to fast.

"What happened, Ma belle?" Roger asked sitting down on the couch next to me, still facing me. I didn't answer right away, I just stared blankly at the blank t.v screen and slowly sipped the water. I couldn't much comprehend what I just saw. I could've just been dreaming about it. But like a dream, it's starting to leave my memory.

"Um, I don't quite know, I just had a bad dream," I said. Which was part of the truth? Roger has been very stressed lately I wouldn't want to worry him at all. I'm sure it was nothing really.

"That's all? It must've been all those unsolved murder episodes. Ok, we can sleep with the kitchen lights and the t.v on. You'll eventually forget about your dream." Roger said standing back up to turn the small t.v in our room on. 

I couldn't tell if he was mad, or just tired. I wish he would of somehow magically have known what I saw. I'm sure it's nothing. Whatever I saw it's not real, Morgan is dead, and that is final.


The streets of Baltimore were especially busy this morning as I peered out the living room window sipping my tea and working on my assignment at my wooden desk. The apartment was dead silent this morning, which was odd. The noisy neighbors would blast their annoying 2000's rap music as they cleaned their apartment.

I decided it was time for a break after finishing my third cup of tea, so I set to the outside world to visit my father, whom I promised to visit soon. I locked the door and descended to the elevator. I then heard the arguing couple that lives two doors down.

I pressed the button a number of times so I wouldn't have to share an elevator with them. The doors opened and the couple came into the elevator with me. I stood in the back corner as they fought about how the man, James, thought Monika was cheating on him. I stood silently, but they were so angry they didn't even notice.

But then James had this look on his face. That look Morgan had. I started to feel sick. I needed to get out of there, but James looked like he would hurt Monika I can't just leave her alone. They pressed the button to the top floor. This was not looking good.

I followed them as they walked out of the elevator. To the roof. Monika was questioning where James was taking her. James had a firm grip on her wrist tugging her closer to the edge. I pulled out my phone and started shaking as I typed 911. I felt sick, I didn't want to witness another murder. 

"Help, I'm at the Pembroke apartment complex on Northshore Blvd, there's, um a couple, and they are fighting, and it seems violent," I whisper. But I can barely hear myself. I turn to see James starting to hit Monika. I stumble back to the door. I can't do anything but run.

I can't be seen at a crime scene and I've done everything I could. The elevator takes too long and I start to run down the stairs to find the police, to notify them. I run to the lobby, and then dash out the doors. I look around to see where the police were. They were down the road. Great! That's amazing timing.

I start towards them. But then I see him. That sandy blonde hair, slightly tangled, glossy green eyes, angered look, and he was getting closer. I freeze. Bryce. I become overwhelmed with emotions as I turn to continue down the sidewalk as the police flood the building. 

I look up. I see Monika and James on the roof. I start to walk faster, but then, James lands right in front of me.


I didn't remember much of what happened after James had fallen off the roof of a seven-story building. I just remember how I felt. It was like seeing Morgan dead all over again. I screamed, but I couldn't hear it. I felt pressure on my body and felt myself about to throw up as my vision became blurry.

Then I felt the cool brick ground. I was now sitting at the back of the ambulance. I watched as people gathered around my building. It was crossed off with yellow police tape. I wasn't allowed to go back to my apartment. And I would soon be taking in for questioning.

"How are you feeling Ms. Monroe." The nice paramedic that had been helping me, asked as she sat on the edge of the ambulance next to me.

"I'm fine, and please, call me Safiya," I said. She smiled. 

"All right then, Safiya, I thought you could use some aspirin, here," She said handing me a bottle of water and a small pill.

"Thank you," I said, swallowing the pill. We sat in silence for a few moments before the paramedic, named Marie, as it read on her name tag, spoke up.

"You surely have some concerned family members that should be here, right?" Marie asked.

"No, not really, just my boyfriend, Roger. My mom moved to Maine after I started school, and my father lives in Philadelphia." I said, taking another sip of water.

"Oh. Do you live here?" Marie asks.

"Yeah, with Roger," I said. As she just simply nodded her head.

"I'm sorry you have to go through something so horrific. No one should have to go through this." Marie said. Ha! If only she really knew.

"Yeah, it's all starting to, sink in," I said. To be honest I just felt kind of numb. This was just such a huge inconvenience. We sat in silence before I noticed my favorite blond pushing through the crowd of people. He hadn't yet noticed me, he was concerned about all the people and he eventually found a police officer.

I stared at him, then Marie followed my eyes to him as well.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's him," I said.

"Hmm. You did good." She said nonchalantly. I snickered at her comment. It felt good to laugh for a second.

"Well, it was great meeting you, and thank you for helping me," I said sliding off the ambulance.

"Just doing my job. Good luck with the aftermath of all this sweetie." She said. I smiled and nodded my head as I walked over to the crowd of people.

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