Chapter 5

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I woke up and I saw the alarm clock. It flash 3:28. Why was I awake so early. I heard the t.v and then it shut off, along with the lamp in the corner of my room, and the green glowing numbers on the alarm clock, they were gone too. I rolled over to see if Roger had come home, but he didn't. I rubbed my eyes and saw three figures in my room.

I froze. I couldn't make out the faces, but then, they power turned back on, and so did the lamp in the room. My heart beating out of my chest, I could hear it along with the microwave beeping in the kitchen.

They were there all of them. James, Morgan and Bryce. They had black eyes and terrifying smiles, and they all looked at me. It's a dream, it's all a dream. This isn't real they are all dead. I shut my eyes and waited for this to all be over. I kept thinking, this isn't real.

I felt the bed sink in and I felt someone come closer. I opened my eyes and I was met with a pair of black eyes, two inches from my face. It was Morgan. I could smell her minty breath as she softly breathed against my face.

I took a sharp breath in, not being able to process this. I quickly stumbled off the bed, my legs being caught in the blankets. I heard several whispers as I struggled to get away, just like the night I killed Morgan.

Safiya, wait. Come here. Look what you have done, look who you have killed, look who is dead because of you.

No, no no! This isn't real, I'm dreaming or hallucinating. I started to crawl towards the corner of the room.

Safiya. Join us. No one loves you, you deserve way more than death. No one will care if your dead, so do it. end your life, for us.

The voices were more clear. I could tell who it was. It was James. But it was also Morgan, and also Bryce. I kept my eyes shut tight and I walked further away to the corner of the room. I felt the wall, and leaned against it curled in a ball. I kept my eyes shut, the voices got louder.

"Stop! This isn't real, this isn't real! They're dead, or in prison, they can't hurt me!" I said softly while crying and rocking back and forth. I was drown out of the voices by my thought and only heard my own voice.

This isn't real.

This isn't real.

This isn't re-

"Safiya! Safiya it's okay. Look at me, your safe." A voice said. I was so scared I couldn't even tell who was talking to me. I relaxing my eyes and took a deep breath in. I slowly raised my head as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and Roger was there.

My eyes felt red and puffy and my nose was plugged. Roger looked at me with fear and worry, a common look for him in situations like this.

"Roger, I'm so sorry," I managed to squeak out trying to keep the tears in. Roger shushes me and opens his arms, gesturing for me to hug him. I crash into his chest and weep and his rubs my back. I slowly stop the crying, and the pit of fear in my stomach goes away.

I felt safer with him here. Like nothing could hurt me. It felt like we were there forever. I finally pull away and lean against the cold brick wall. Roger faces me, thinking about what he is about to say to me.

"Saf, look, I'm sorry how I lashed out on you earlier, I should've realized how you felt. When you saw James, you know, and then I drank and I shouldn't of-" Roger starts.

"It's fine Roger, I'm sorry, more sorry than you are." I say cutting him of. He smiles and holds my hands in his and intertwines our fingers.

"Safiya, I love you, and I never want to be with anyone else but you. But you gotta tell me what's going on with you. What just happened, and don't tell me it was 'just a bad dream'" He says. I take a deep breath.

"I honestly don't know Roger. I just, I keep seeing them." I say. Roger looks confused.

"Them? Them who?" He asked looking concerned as he eyebrows knit together.

"Morgan. I saw her when I had my 'bad dream'. And I see Bryce. He was wearing what he wore that night he shot you." I say lowering my voice at some parts. Roger's lips part as he finally understands.

"I just I, um, I see them and um..." I trail off. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying so hard to keep the tears back. "What's wrong with me Roger?"

"Nothing, love. Absolutely nothing. You're perfect, and just a little bit messy, you just saw things you shouldn't have." Roger says cupping the sides of my face. I smile as he smiles at me. I nod my head.

"Can we just go to bed. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I say looking side to side, as if to make sure that no one is there.

"Sure, ma belle." Roger says lightly grabbing my elbows and pulling me up. I lay down in the bed and take deep breaths. Roger climbs into bed next to me and pulls me close to him.

"I won't fall asleep until you do, I promise." He says kissing the top of my head. I smile as he whispers and I take one good look at the alarm clock. It flashes 4:15. I was crying in that corner for an hour and I didn't even realize it.

I forget about it and slowly relax and rest my head on Roger's chest. I hear his heart beat and his short breaths. He hums quietly and I soon fall asleep. I feel like the hallucenations will just go away. But nothing is ever that easy in my life.

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