Over In Possiblity

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Swan ran through the streets of Possiblity, her brother, Teal, close behind her. Let's just say running from a enraged Sandwing is not easy....

"Oh good!," Said Swan,"Hurry Teal, go faster! Where almost to there!"

The two of them speed up and ran quicker. Trying to out fly a Sandwing was a bad idea. Trying to out swim it, though, was a different matter.

The two of them dove into the water swimming as fast as they could. They Sandwing on the other talon....was trying to get out of the water.

Safe, the Seawings slowly speed down. Following the current, they went to the lake in which they lived next to. They slipped out of the water and enter the hut they lived in. They tip-toed in, hoping not to get caught. "Where have you been?" Said their mother,  Antarctica.

"Ummmmmm, shopping?" Said Swan holding up a bunch of bananas.

"Yeah, right! What'd you steal this time?"said Antarctica.

"We stole a cow....", Said Teal, picking it up.

"Fine. I'll forgive you this time, but consider this a warning alright?", Said Antarctica, taking the cow," Oh and cow for dinner!"

"Seriously, mom?", Said Swan?

"Yep! I don't wanna hunt today," said Antarctica, leaving to kill the cow.

Swan and Teal slipped back into the lake. Swan took out her special stone tablet and Wrote down this:
No one, but Teal, Swan and Antarctica will remember that Swan and Teal stole a cow.
"You done?," Asked Teal.

"Yep, no one but us and mom will remember anything about us stealing that cow," said Swan.

"Why'd just use your power once?", asked Teal.

"I don't want to go insane do I?", Said Swan.

"True, you don't. You don't wanna end up like Albatross. He killed like most of his family you know," said Teal, who at the moment was busy eating a banana at the edge of the lake.

"Yeah......", Said Swan, watching as the letters on the table disappeared, meaning that it was already working it's magic.

As soon as the letters disappeared, Swan put the tablet away. She jumped into the water and started swimming, pretending nothing had happened.

This Is Why We Don't Go Out MuchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora