Are You Sure She Isn't Deathbringers?

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Warning. CURSING!!!

The wind blew across her scales, cooling her ever slightly. She sighed at the coolness of the wind. Who are we talking about you ask?

Well her names Hazel and her parents are Clay and Peril. She's got a sister named Cinder and a little brother that's only a few weeks old named Swamp.

Cinder walks up behind Hazel, holding a knife. "Sisssssss! Look at this !! Its sharp!!!"

Hazel stares at Cinder. She was used to this. With Swamp running around, their mother was a little busy. And she kept forgetting that even though Cinder wasn't related to Deathbringer, she was very much like him. Hazel looked at the knife and with one, quick movement, she took the knife away. "HEY! SISSY, GIVE IT BACK! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KILL THINGS!!" screamed Cinder, making Hazel facetalon.

"Your not supposed to kill things when your this young. AND I'm pretty sure mother would be very mad if you  were carrying a knife around," said Hazel, throwing the knife at the tree next to their house.

It stuck onto the poor tree, creating yet another groove. Thinking about all the times the tree had gotten a groove. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing she let Nova alone with Cinder. That would explain a lot.


Peril looked out the window when she heard the thunk of s knife hitting a tree. Yes she was busy with Swamp around, but not enough to not know that Cinder would make one heck of an assassin. Sunny had even joked one time, "Are sure she isn't Deathbringers?" Even Glory couldn't hold back a laugh when she heard this. Deathbringer had just stood there looking at Cinder, who had stared back. Then what she said next mad everyone explode with laughter.

Nova was the only who who stayed standing. "This is what you get for cursing in front of a newborn!!!"

Peril wiped away a tear. A tear of happiness. How fast they grow. And how fast they can pick up curse words.

"MOMMY IM HUNGRY!!!" screamed Cinder, Hazel marching in behind her, twirling a knife.

Next thing Peril knows the knife is right on the table feet away from Hazel. How she did that was a mystery.

Peril pulled Hazel, Cinder, and Swamp into a hug. "I love you guys so much," said Peril.

Hazel looked at her, her crystal blue eyes looking into her mother's . "We know. We oh so know."


"That is so sweet!," said a little dragonet  with a necklace, looking into the window.

"Kenya, we have to go!", said another who was standing behind the one called Kenya.

"Fine...," said Kenya looking back.

Then she grabbed her necklace and it glowed, a light blue. She grabbed on to the others hand and then they where gone.

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