Ship!!! I now Crown you Midal!

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Tidal signed. It was morning again which meant that Terra would be here in any moment. He threw his bag over his shoulder and climbed out of his window. Sure Terra was awsome and all, but he knew her as a friend and only a friend. "TIDE-TIDE!!!WHERE ARE YOU!!"screamed Terra.

Too late Tidal was already out of sight. He dropped down onto the beach and started walking toward a little cave very close to the beach. "Aunt Tsunami? Uncle Ripetide?" Said Tidal looking for his Aunt and Uncle.

Then a second later, his cousin, Seafoam, was on top of him. Trident was a few feet away. "Hi!!!!!!!," said Seafoam.

Trident waved. Tusnami appeared  above Seafoam. "Ran away?", said Tusnami, looking at the bag slung over his shoulder.

Tidal nodded and said,"Terra is my friend but she wants to be more then that."

"Definitely ewww," said Trident.

Everyone agreed it was ew. Tidal and cousins decided that they should play as much as they could before the guards found Tidal. They still couldn't figure out that Tidal went to his aunt's  everytime he ran away. It's a good thing he came today or he would have never met someone very special.

He was playing hide and seek with his cousin when he saw here. Her scales gleamed a beautiful ice blue. As soon as he saw her he shut up. He just stared at her. He had to blink. When he opened his eyes again, she was gone. Tidal sighed. Then he was on the  ground, the icewing girl on top of her. She looked at him, reaching for a knife, that, he noticed, where attached to a sash the girl wore. She looked him down one more time then got off  him. "Who are you?", said Tidal, wondering who this mystery girl was.

She looked him the eyes. Her eyes were green. "Misty," said the girl.

"I'm Tidal,"said Tidal.

"Maybe we can get to know we each other," said Misty, " But I have to go."

She looked back at him and smiled. "Maybe we'll see each other next week. See ya," she said, winking at him, and then taking off.

Tidal could feel his cheeks burning as she flew away. He liked this girl for some reason, but for now he had to deal with his shipper cousin.

"SHIP!!!", squealed Seafoam from were she was watching.

Tidal gave her a deathstare. Seafoam ran away squealing to tell her parents and Trident. Tidal ran straight after her. What they didn't see was two cloaked dragons. Misty's mother and father.

Her father growled. "He better stay away from her," he said.

Misty's mom looked at him with a smirk and said," You sound like my father when you and I where Misty's age, Drift."

"We should go," said Drift quickly.

The mother nodded, her hood flipping up in the process. It reaveled a pair of dark green eyes and black scales, just as Tidal entered the grassy clearing and quickly darted into the bushes.
The female put her hood back on and said," We should go."

Drift nodded and said," Let's go, Stardust. I don't want to leave Misty alone for another minute."

Stardust laughed and said, "Honey, your being a little protective of our daughter."

Daughter. Their daughter? Misty is a hybrid? Oh my moons, thought Tidal as the two dragons quickly flew away.

As soon as they were gone, Tidal flopped into the grassy clearing. He looked up at the sky and said quietly to himself," The dragon I like is a hybrid."

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