Part 3

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You walk into school the next day, as happy as ever.  You were hanging this picture up in your locker.  No matter how weird it looks, you were super weirdly happy about this.  

You open your locker and immediately hang up the photo, "Hey is that Spiderman?"  You turn on your heel to see Flash in front of you, looking at your photo.  

"Uh, I-"  You stumbled on your words, unable to talk.  

"Of course it isn't, Spiderman wouldn't talk to you,"  You still don't know what to say. You look around the hall, where you see Peter and his friend Ned looking at the situation at hand.  But the moment you make eye contact with Peter, he averts his eyes and continues walking down the hall.  That was weird... You think to yourself, watching him as he walked away, Ned turns around and looks at you, he gives you an odd shrug.  

"You're not cool enough to know spiderman..."  You take a deep breath and conjure up all the courage you could. 

"It is spiderman, and I don't know him, I just met him once.  And I got a picture, I highly doubt he would ever even consider taking a picture with you."  You snapped back at him, he gave you a grin before walking away with his friends, muttering something to them. You grin to yourself, proud of your sudden confidence.  

You then close your locker and make your way to your first period. It was a peaceful morning really, you sat in science class taking down the notes.  You look over to your seat partner a smile on his face, "Why are you smiling, Ned?"  You ask, your brow furrowed in confusion.  

"Were you not paying attention to what I said? I thought it was totally badass that you told Flash off."  You smile at your friend

"Yeah, I barely even said anything..." 

"Yeah, but when you turn spiderman against him, he gets really upset.  When he walked away he looked like he was gonna cry,"  He laughs 

"I didn't want to make him cry, Ned! He's- I just wanted him to leave me alone..."  You said turning back to your notes.

"Okay but, did you actually meet spiderman? Or are you just really good at photoshop?"  He asked smiling. You look ahead of you, you saw the back of Parker's head.  

"I did meet him, we talked on my fire escape,"  He looked up at the back of Peter's head as well, it looked as if his body had stiffened.  You didn't think much of it and continued with the conversation. 

"Okay, but what's with the photo, why is it in your locker?"  

"I don't know maybe because he's freaking awesome! He's like one of the best avengers... And I wanted to be reminded every single time I opened my locker that I met the coolest person ever."  

"Hey, Peter did you hear that? Y/N met spiderman,"  Ned said leaning forward, Peter turned around and looked at the two of you.  

"You really think Spiderman is that cool?"  Peter asked seeming confused.  

"Hell yeah! I mean come on, what's not cool about him."  

"Sounds like you have a small crush on spiderman..."  Ned said making motions with his eyebrows, looking over to Peter.  

"What? Pfft no, if anyone has a crush on SpiderMan its Flash..."  You say smiling, he was right, you had a small thing for spiderman, but there was no way in hell you were admitting that to Ned and Peter. 

"Peter, Y/N, And Ned, Please keep it quiet,"  Your teacher kindly said, you grinned looking down to your notes. 

You filed out of the classroom, standing next to Ned. You both laughing at the fact that Flash had a spiderman pin on his backpack. 

"I swear he has a thing for Spiderman, "

"For the last time L/N! I'm not into SpiderMan!" Flash yelled from the back of the line. You both snicker as you walk to your locker. 

"So Y/N wanna sit with us today? It's been a while..."

"I basically sit with you every day."

"Yeah, but at the end of our table, and you sit your friend group.  Please sit with us..." He jokingly pouted

"Ok fine, " You smile as he jumps in the air. "I hope you know that I realize you are doing this because I met Spiderman" You give him a knowing look.

"It's not, besides I've met spiderman..."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, one time he said hi to me when he was chasing some guys, " He bragged

"Oh yeah well, he and I had a full-blown conversation..." You said

"You two stop trying to beat each other..." Peter said smiling, jokingly rolling his eyes.  You smiled at your somewhat newly made friends.  

You and Ned had been friends since third grade, the two of you always having fun times when the two of you were together.  You and Peter not so much, you had always remained classmates.  You two had never really gotten close.  But you were fine with that, it didn't bother you really.  

You had kept your distance from him, there wasn't anything wrong with him.  You just never really had the desire to become friends with him.  

"Okay fine,"  You said a small smile on your face.  

You heard the bell ring, indicating you were now late for your next class.  Nice going me you thought to yourself. 

"Gotta go Nerds!" You salute them as you jokingly skip down the hall.  

"You're a nerd too you know!"  Peter called a soft chuckle following shortly after.  

"I'm a weeb! There's a difference Pete,"  You say as you look back at them. A small smile on Peter's face as you watched you go down the hall. You brush away the thought as you walk into your class, silently slipping into your seat unnoticed. 

"You're late,"  Your teacher says, you give a small smile.  "See me after class, that's a late slip for you..." 

You didn't even care, you just couldn't get rid of that grin, something about Peter made you smile today. 


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