Part 5

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Peter walked away from your door, he smiled to himself as he thought about you. The boy quickly walked home, he looked down at his phone as he walked.  The picture of you and the squirrel had brought a smile to his face, and he was definitely printing this out.  

Peter quickly headed into an alley, securing his backpack onto a higher up wall.  Knowing very well every time he did it closer to ground it was gone by the time he'd get back.  He slipped his spiderman suit on and headed out for patrol, there was nothing just going on.  There never usually was, so instead with a few minutes of thinking, he finally decided he was going to make his way over to you.  

He remembered the way to your home perfectly, so he quickly swung from the buildings making his way to your familiar fire escape.  He peered into the window for a moment, seeing you sitting at the top of your bed with a textbook in your hand.  Your hair was pulled back from your face, as you moved the pencil from between your fingers.  Peter slightly tapped on your window, your head jerked up from what you were working on and a huge smile was plastered on your face. You quickly opened the window that leads to your fire escape, "Hi,"  You breathed out, your cheeks going warm.  

"Hey, " He replied.

Peter stepped back and got out of the window, you were both in awkward silence until Peter finally said something. "So..."  He began, clapping his hands together.  "How's your story?" Your eyes lit up. You were supposed he even remembered.

"Great! I finished! I have three more days until the due date."

"I can't wait to read it." He smiled underneath his mouth. You could barely see the outline of his toothy grin.

"I'm happy you said that." You leaned your body against the rail.

Four days later:

"These entries are so..." Tony said holding a group of stapled papers.

"Bad?" Peter frowned when he heard them say that. Y/N's entry was in here. He couldn't help but hope that they hadn't read it yet. They sat at a small round table of the main avengers living in the tower. They were supposed to vote.

"I don't know, this one by Emily Armendariz is pretty good," Steve said shrugging.

"Yeah I liked that one too," Tony said. The other avengers all joined in.

"I don't feel like I should help vote. I know a lot of these people." Peter said standing up. "You guys don't take my vote." He grabbed his backpack and stood up. The results were posted tomorrow.

Peter threw his backpack onto his bed. He quickly put on his suit.

"Where are you going? Spiderman." Aunt May stopped him. "Off to see that girl you told me about?"

"Maybe? I don't know. She's been distracting me from patrol."

"Then talk to her after patrol Peter. Don't stay out too late. 10:00 on the dot."

"Got it."

Peter gently knocked on your window. You put down your pencil and paper. He had been coming every night now. You were starting to develop a small crush.

"So Spiderman. How was patrol?"

"Oh, the usual. Nothing happening."

"Hey, Spidey?"


"Do you want to play a game with me?"

"What time is it?" He questions.

"8. Why you have a curfew?" You teased. You really weren't expecting an answer.

"As a matter of fact, I do!" He said. He stopped. "Whoops."

"You are a teenager!" You said.

"Just go get a game."

You ran inside, grabbing a deck of cards.

"Uno? Do you want to hate me?"

"Don't get so cocky. I'm great at this game."

"Oh really?"

You shuffled the cards. "So if you're a teenager, you'd have to be in high school. Do I know you?"

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because I have almost zero friends do brag too. Although Flash Thompson might get it out of me. I think he has the biggest crush out of all of us."

"First of all, that is a load of crap you have tons of friends... well I'd guess anyway."

"I caught that slip-up. Anyway, not any real ones. The only friends I really care about are Ned and Peter. I've known Ned for so long. You'd have no idea the crap he has on me. I had met him at a summer camp before third grade. I was feeling homesick, so he said he would be my friend all summer so I wouldn't have to feel that way." "You like anyone spidey?" You asked.

"Well you've ready figured out I'm a high schooler, so yes I do. She's in my study hall, that's the only class I have with her. She is so pretty, and she's weird in the best way. She's amazing. And you know what? I finally became friends with her too."

"That sounds amazing Spidey." You smiled. You felt the cards. 7 each.

"First card, 6 green." You said. He put down a yellow four. You both played absentmindedly while talking.

"What's her name?" You asked.

"I can't tell you, Y/N, who knows we could go to the same school."

"Fair, Fair. Can you at least tell me somethings about you? Favorite color. Favorite food?"

"Favorite Color is red. Favorite food is either burritos or pizza."

"Current favorite song?" You asked

"Blitzkrieg bop, "


"It's not ew! It's actually pretty good!"

"Favorite Superhero"

"Iron Man, or Cap."

"Cap? That's weird. Call him Captain America, "

"Right right, "

You continued to ask him questions. Three games of Uno. Two of which he won. And random trivia, of Spiderman.

"Holy crap what time is it?"

"Uh, nine-thirty."

"Dang. I gotta go." He shot a web into the city. When he left he mumbled something.

"Aunt May is gonna kill me."

This boy just keeps on slipping up, doesn't he? You smiled and walked back into your room. Aunt May. Where had you heard that before?

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