Cody's Realization

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Cody was sleeping like a baby when the sound of his girlfriend's urine shooting into the toilet like a fire hose woke him up.
He sighed deeply. This happens often due to her recently diagnosed irritable bladder syndrome.
Cody rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stared at the crack of light escaping from under the door. After some useless reflection he rose and stumbled into the kitchen.
"Is this what love is?" He mumbled to himself while getting a glass of water.
Cody was painfully conflicted. His love for Kelsey was bright, but it felt more like a lightning bug getting smothered in a glass jar with no ventilation.
He knew his adoration was focused on someone else but he wouldnt let the thought come to the forefront of his mind, instead it festered in his subconscious.
Cody realized he'd been staring at his water for quite some time. He finally put his glass into the sink because he forgot how to drink.
Kelsey came out of the bathroom and spat on Cody lovingly.
"Love you too babe" he said with a fake grin.
Kelsey had strange ways of showing her fondness but Cody had grown to understand her unique love language. He loved the way her pee sprays at the toilet seat, and even her night terrors that leave him breathless due to the choking.
She was a gremlin- but she was his gremlin.
Despite him loving her quirks and kinks, he still felt a profound inner conflict.
Cody hobbled into bed and fell into a deep sleep.
That night he had a dream.
He dreamt fondly of a racially ambiguous man who he was very close friends with- Noel Miller. A blur of his face, adorned with a smile that roused a new kind of joy inside Cody. Then he abruptly woke up.
He then rushed to the bathroom in a gay panic, and began his morning crying while jerking off in the bathtub. On the other side of the bathroom door Cody knew that Kelsey was waiting- salivating so much that she had to gulp down the contents of her mouth. She was ready to routinely drink Cody's musty bath water- but this time Cody was not into it.
He was in love with someone else-
He was in love with his best friend, Nole.

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