Noel is Troubled

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Noel woke up robotically to the sound of birds chirping outside of his apartment window.
He reached to his bedside table where he felt around for his Stevens 22 calibre octagon barrel pistol.
When his hand met the familiar cold metal of the gun, he spun the barrel containing two bullets.
Then he placed the barrel to his chin, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.
Noel has done this every single day for 19 years. The gun decides his destiny. His philosophy being that if he dies- then that's just how it's supposed to be.
Little did Noel know, he had a lot in store for him that day.
He rolled out of bed and carried his weary body to the kitchen to find his beautiful girlfriend Aleena cooking breakfast.
Aleena had been acting strange lately. She seemed aggressive, slightly more than she usually was. Noel wasn't exciting or adventurous. He only showed enthusiasm with Cody and Fortnite.
Aleena placed a burnt plate of toast and jam in front of Neil. The jam had the clumpy consistency of filtered period blood.
"Why do you always put the whole plate in the oven?" he said in a high and aggrivated tone.
Aleena stared back at Nelson not saying a word.
Nol didn't feel like eating Aleena's uterus lining jam so when Aleena averted her hateful gaze he passed it under the table to his dog- Ollie.
"Thanks for breakfast babe" said Nail.
Aleena didn't take the bait.
She started crying.
"I can't believe you." She said.
Noal immediately left to avoid the dramatics that all women are equipped with. If only he could find a partner who didn't have a uterus.

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