Chapter 26: Christmas Without Daniel

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Grayson's POV
It's finally Christmas, and even though it's supposed to be a happy holiday, I'm not. That's because Daniel's not here to spend it with us. And I'm actually thinking of not celebrating it at all until Daniel is back in my life. Even if that means that I have to wait for five years, I don't want to celebrate another holiday until Daniel is back with me.
"Hey Grayson, you coming downstairs?"
"I don't think so Chandler. If Daniel's not here I don't want to celebrate any holidays."
"But Daniel is no longer in his coffin, so he has to be wandering around looking for us."
"He knows where we live, so why doesn't he just come here? He knows it's Christmas, but he probably doesn't care about us anymore."
"Or maybe he's still getting used to being alive again and forgot some stuff during the time he was dead."
"And now that Daniel is back alive, doesn't that make you happy?"
"Kind of. But he's not here with us, so he won't be able to open the presents I bought him."
"Maybe once Daniel finally gets adjusted to the fact that he's alive again he'll come back home."
"I hope so Chandler."
"C'mon, let's head downstairs, drink some hot cocoa, open our presents and spend time with our parents."
I sighed, "Ok."
"But before we go downstairs, I just want to say that not only do I appreciate everything that you've done for me, and I know that I've said this many times over the past few months, but I still find it really quiet around here without Daniel."
"I totally agree. And once Daniel finally adjusts to being resurrected, he'll be back in our life and you two can finally get married and I'm sure you're happy about that."
"Of course I am. Now let's head downstairs, we don't want to keep our parents waiting any longer than they have already."
"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Morning Grayson. Morning Chandler."
"Morning mom and dad."
"Is everything ok? It took you awhile to come downstairs." Mrs. Riggs wonders.
"Yeah, everything is fine, I just had to cheer up Grayson sine he's disappointed that Daniel isn't here to celebrate Christmas. And hates the fact that it's too quiet here without Daniel. So I had to explain to him that Daniel just needs to adjust to the fact that he's back from the dead before he comes back home. Then Grayson and Daniel can finally get married. And I agree with Grayson, it has been rather quiet around here without Daniel."
"We've noticed that as well. And I have to say it's also lonely without him, even though we do have each other."
"I know exactly how you feel mom." I state.
"Same here." Chandler proclaims.

A couple of hours later...
"So are you two happy with the gifts you received?" Mrs. Riggs asks.
"I am. And I'm surprised that Daniel gave me his most prized possession."
"Yeah that was nice of Daniel to give you his first edition Led Zeppelin vinyl record. Especially since it's their first vinyl record." Chandler exclaims.
"I wonder why he's giving it to me."
"Because he loves you."
"Obviously, but I'd like to know why."
"Maybe this letter will clear things up." Mr. Riggs announces. "And it's dated exactly two years and three months ago."
My dad handed me the letter and I immediately unfolded it and read it.

Dear Grayson,
If you're reading this then I'm sure that you're aware that I'm dead, and I wanted to leave you something very special to remember me by. And I just want you to know that I really enjoyed our time together. You saved my life when I was suicidal, you got me to stop cutting, you got the light in me to shine again, and you also gave me hope. I love you Grayson and I hope you don't forget that. Even in death I consider you a friend and a brother. I know that it may be hard for you to accept the fact that I'm dead, but I want you to understand that my death is not forever. You were a true friend, and I'm glad to have met you.
With Love Daniel.
I placed the record down, dropped the letter, and left the house to sit on the steps so I could cry in peace.

15 minutes later...
"Grayson? Are you alright?"
I just stayed quiet.
"Grayson, I know that receiving that gift and reading that letter from Daniel was extremely depressing for you, but you have to understand that he did that out of love."
He knew he was going to die and he didn't say anything, so this whole thing could've been avoided. Why the hell would Daniel not warn us about his death? I thought he loved us. I thought he was our friend and brother, but more importantly I thought we could trust him, but now we can't.
"Come on Grayson, talk to me. I'm trying to help you."
Once again I didn't reply, instead I got up from the stairs and went to sit on the bench by the road, and obviously Chandler followed me.
"Grayson, PLEASE TALK TO ME! I want to help you."
"Leave me alone."
After saying that I got up and started walking away with my head facing the ground, while hugging myself in a depressed manner.
"Come on Grayson. You can't keep hiding your feelings."
"Watch me." Or Watch me. (You decide which you like better.)
"Please talk to me Grayson."
Once again I ignored my brother, which ended up with him running up to me, and grabbing me, he even spun me around so I was facing him.
"Let me help you Grayson."
I pushed my brother away from me and then knocked him out with one hell of a punch.

3 hours later...
Chandler's POV
I just started to wake up and the first thing I noticed was that Grayson was nowhere in sight and that he smashed his phone until it was no longer functional.
Dammit Grayson, why couldn't you just stop and talk to me? I get that, that letter and really tugged at your heartstrings, but you didn't have to knock me out as well as take off. But somehow, someway I will find you and I'm not going to stop until I do.

5 hours later...
Grayson's POV
"There you are Grayson, I've been looking all over for you."
"Don't come any closer because I will pull these triggers."
The gun I was pointing at my brother had a silencer on it, but the other one didn't.
"You take one step towards me and I'll shoot you and then kill myself."
"I'm just..."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP CHANDLER! You're not trying to help me feel better, you're just trying to make yourself feel better, asshole!"
"I never said that. I'm here to help you. And I understand that, that letter really tugged at your heartstrings, but Daniel wrote it out of love, and he gave you that amazing gift out of love as well."
"He wrote that letter before he died, like he knew it was going to happen, and didn't bother telling us. Which was a selfish choice. He never cared about us."
"Yes he did. And you have the pictures to prove it."
"So what? It just goes to show that he didn't love us, he didn't trust us, and I thought we could trust him...apparently we can't. He was our friend and our brother, but now he has lost all of that, and I never want to see him again."
"You don't mean that."
"Yes I do."
"I want you to be honest with me, do you really believe that Daniel didn't love us? That he couldn't trust us or be trusted? And lost the privilege of being our friend and our brother? And not to mention your boyfriend? And are we talking about the same Daniel? The Daniel I remember saved your life. The Daniel I remember always put others before himself. The Daniel I remember always knew what to say to cheer anyone up. So tell me, do you really believe everything you said about Daniel?"
"I-I...why didn't he warn us about his death?"
"Because he probably didn't want to worry us, and thought we would think that he was crazy."
"I just want him back in my life, but I don't know if I can keep this up. And no I don't. I love Daniel and I know that he loves me."
"Grayson please lower the guns."
I did as Chandler asked and put the guns down. He slowly approached me and once he was close enough he offered me a hug, I hesitated for a few seconds and then pulled him in for a hug.
"I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad that you're safe, but I do accept your apology."

Right as Chandler and I entered our house a news broadcast started, so both of us hurried to the living room and I was shocked at what was being reported.
"This just in, the grave of war hero Daniel-Nicholas Riggs-Belliveau has been desecrated and robbed."
Just hearing that made my heart shatter and the question that popped into my head was, who would desecrate Daniel's Grave, and the only logical answer would be the people who killed him, but it wasn't. It was someone else. So my guess was that person Chandler and I ran into, but the sketch didn't match his face, so it had to be someone else, but who?

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