Chapter 33: On the Set of SUPERNATURAL

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Daniel's POV
"So, how'd your attempt to contact your friends go?" Kaden asks.
"They didn't believe that it was me. So I just stopped after that, otherwise they would've called the cops and told them that I was harassing them. Well, it was mainly Grayson who said that. And I'm sure that Chandler was trying to reason with Grayson, but it's hard to say for sure."
"At least you tried."
"Yeah, I guess."

*ring ring...ring ring*
I took out my phone, looked at the number and answered it.
"Hi, is Daniel there?"
"You're talking to him. How can I be of assistance?"
"Actually, I was hoping you could help me out. You see, I need someone to fill a role on my show SUPERNATURAL, and you seem like the perfect candidate."
"Did AMC contact you?"
"Yes. They told me about your excellent performance on their show The Walking Dead, and I instantly decided that you would make a great actor to have on the show."
"I'd love to be on SUPERNATURAL, at least I'll have more things to kill other than zombies every single day."
"*laughs* That is true. Come down to the set and we'll give you a tour and some time to memorize your lines, as well as sign a two year contract."
"I'll be down there before you can say, pad kid poured, crud pulled cod; ten times fast, and answer this riddle every night I'm told what to do, and each morning I do what I'm told. But I still don't escape your scold. So I should see you shortly. And no cheating with the riddle."
"I won't. See you soon Daniel."

"So this is what the set of SUPERNATURAL looks like...I like it, it's way better than The Walking Dead's."
"That's because SUPERNATURAL is better."
I turned around and saw Jensen standing behind me.
"Oh hey Jensen, how's it going?"
"I'm doing just fine; how about you?"
"I'm doing good and I'm so stoked to be here."
"Well, it should be a pleasure to work with you. I saw your performance on The Walking Dead, and I have to say you really know how to handle yourself in a sticky situation, and your performance was pretty good as well."
"Hopefully I'll start out as a hunter when my character is introduced, that way you and Jared don't have to spend an entire season explaining everything about the supernatural to me."
"Well, let's read through the script together. And see how you get introduced."

10 minutes later...
"Ok, so from what we read it looks like I'm being introduced as a hunter who just took out a vampire nest with some of my friends who are killed when we are halfway done, but I get bit right as I'm about to kill the three remaining vampires. And Sam and Dean have to make the cure quickly before my character who's name is Jason turns feral."
"That's right. Now let's find Jared so we can practice our lines together. And I'm sure that you already have your lines memorized, but I don't...obviously."
"Sounds like a great idea."

3 minutes later...
We finally found Jared, Jensen introduced me; after the introduction Jared and I shook hands.
"So, how can I be of assistance?"
"If you're free I'd really appreciate it if you and Jensen practiced our lines together, because the three of us meet after the opening scene. Which takes place the next day after me and my friends take out a Vampire nest."
"I'd be happy to. Where should we practice?"
"Somewhere with enough room. Or maybe we could practice in one of your trailers."
"We could go over our lines in mine since it's close by."
"Sounds good to me, what do you think Dean?"
"We're not on set yet Daniel, but I agree that it sounds like a good idea."

Jared's Trailer...
"Ok, so we'll pretend to be your hunting buddies for the opening scene, ok?"
"Ok Jared."
"You ready Daniel?"
"Yes I am Jensen."
"How are you not cold Jason? It's freezing out here, and you're wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
"So what!? I've seen you go outside in the winter in just your boxers and dive headfirst into a huge pile of snow and didn't complain."
"He's probably not cold because he used to be Canadian."
"Would you stop with these FUCKING STEREOTYPES Steve! They're really PISSING ME OFF."
"Alright guys, we're nearing the nest. Does everyone have their machete?"
"Who needs a machete when you can just use a shotgun and just explode their heads?"
"Because we want to do this as quiet as possible."

INT: Vampire Nest
"Ok, so how are we going to do this?"
"As long as we stay quiet and do this smoothly we can kill them all while they're asleep."
"But all of them will be on us when they smell blood. So why not wake them all up now, and just take them all out in just a couple of minutes instead of taking an hour?"
"Jason does make a valid point Trevor, but we should still try to do this as carefully as possible."

A/N: the time skips below are for the script, not for the actual storyline of the chapter.

The next day...
Enter Sam and Dean
"Hey, are you ok?"
Jason jumps onto Sam, which knocks him over. Jason goes to bite Sam's neck, but Dean knocks Jason off of Sam.
"You ok Sammy?"
"Yeah, but I think that this person is a fledgling."
"Only one way to find out. Whip up the cure. If it works than we just saved a life, but if it doesn't we have to kill him."
Sam and Dean look around and don't see Jason anywhere.
"Where'd he go?"
"I don't know, but we better find him before he feeds."

After half an hour of searching Sam and Dean manages to find Jason, who was close to feeding on someone, but Sam manages to tackle Jason right before he bit into a ladies neck.
Sam continues to restrain Jason while Dean makes the cure.
Once the cure is ready Dean hurries over to Sam and gives it Jason who drinks it immediately.

A little bit later...
"How are you feeling?"
"I wouldn't blame ya, you almost fed on my brother and some lady. I'm not sure if you tried to feed on anyone else, but I'm just glad we were able to save your life."
"How'd this happen anyway?"
"Me and my friends, Steve and Trevor tracked a vampire back to its nest, we were halfway done clearing it out and that's when I noticed that my friends had died, so I took out the remainder, but when there were only three vampires remaining that's when I got bit. So I finished them off, and then the next thing I know I have this sudden urge to—."
"Kill humans?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"This isn't our first rodeo. We've dealt with situations like this before. We've been dealing with the supernatural for quite a long time now. We were raised into this life by our dad."
"My mom and dad raised me into the supernatural life, but they're dead now. Angels killed them while they were possessed by demons. I couldn't do anything to help them. And I was forced to watch them die. I was going to sell my soul to bring them back, but I decided to just give them a proper burial instead."
"How long ago did this happen?"
"Three days ago."

"That's a wrap. Good job everyone!"
"Hey Daniel, good work."
"Thanks. Can't wait to see what you have in store for me in the next episode."
"You'll just have to wait and see."
"Whatever happens I'm sure it'll fit my character to a tee."
"One can only hope."

"So, how'd it go dad?"
"Good. Thanks for asking Kaden. Did you miss me?"
"Who are you?"
"Don't worry dad, we're just teasing."
"I know Alice."
"So what's your plan now?"
"I'm not sure, I was thinking that we could play some card games, after I show you a few card tricks."
"You know how to do card tricks?"
"Yes I do."
"Can you teach us how to do them?"

"Yes Kaden?"
"I just wanted to let you know that I have faith that you'll be reunited with Grayson someday, I'm not sure when, but my gut is telling me that both of you will be reunited."
"I have faith about that happening as well, I just wish I knew when."
"I'm sure it'll happen before you know it."
"I hope so."
"Goodnight dad."
"Goodnight Kaden. Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite."
"And you don't have to worry about taking care of Joshua and Riley, Alice and I got it covered. Plus we don't want you to be late tomorrow."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. You need your rest."
"Thanks Kaden."
"You're welcome dad. See you in the morning."

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now