Chapter 40: Gathering The Necessary Weapons

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5 days later...
Grayson's POV (CONT'D)
"Hey Grayson, how'd you sleep?"
"Dream about Daniel?"
"What happened in your dream? Did the two of you reunite?"
"Yes, but something was off about him."
"How so?"
"It was like he was a total different person. He wasn't aggressive or anything, it was the total opposite. It was like he was afraid of something."
"Yep. What about you? How'd you sleep?"
"I slept just fine. Thanks for asking. So what would you like to do today before we continue with our plan?"
"I'm not entirely sure. Daniel usually decides for us. Even if he picked the same thing."
"Yeah, he always wanted to go to the park to play grounders."
"So why don't we go do that?"
"Because I'm bored of grounders, why don't we go throw around a football and maybe a baseball for a few hours."
"That sounds like a splendid idea Chandler. Let's head to the park."

At the park...
Chandler and I have been throwing around the baseball for a few minutes, and when Chandler threw the ball to me this time it went a little to high and into the streets.
So I went after, and was about to be hit by an oncoming car when someone came running at me and tackled me out of the way and quickly took off.
I grabbed the ball and returned to Chandler.
"You ok Grayson?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Who was that person who saved you?"
"I don't know. Maybe it was Daniel."
"If it was Daniel he would've stuck around."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. But then again it actually could've been him."
"How so?"
"Same height, same build, same eyes, and same muscle build."
"There's a lot of people with everything you just described. So it could've been just some random person."
"But before he took off he winked at me."
"Maybe it was Daniel, but why didn't he stick around?"
"I'm curious about that as well. Anyway let's get back to playing catch."

Later that day...
"Well that was fun."
"Yeah, it was."
"But if that person who saved your life really was Daniel then he has some serious explaining to do when he finally returns."
"Yeah, he does."
"But if it really was him, I wish he stuck around."
"As do I, but we can't think about that now. We have more important things to worry about."
"I know, but let's gather those weapons tomorrow. I'm having way too much fun today. C'mon Chandler let's go play some Xbox together."

"You ready Chan?"
"As I'll ever be."
"You know you don't have to help me if you don't want to."
"I know, but we went through all of that intense training together, so I owe it to you to help you get your revenge. After's what Daniel would've done."
I smiled.
"Thanks Chandler."
"You're welcome lil bro."

At the gun store...
"Can I help you two fine gentlemen?"
"Yeah, we'll take two assault rifles, two combat pistols, two combat knives, two snipers, and a few grenades. And obviously ammo for the weapons. A few magazines as well as some silencers and that should be everything."
"I'll need to see some ID."
Chandler and I gave the cashier our IDs and he gave them back to us a few seconds later and then rang up the total cost of everything.
"Ok that'll be $7,895."
I paid by using my debit card and once we got everything we made our way home.

"So we're really going to do this?"
"Seems like it."
"So when are we going to execute our plan Grayson?"I'm
"In a few days from now."
"Yes Chandler?"
"I get that you want to get revenge on the people who killed Daniel right after you said yes to his proposal, but is killing them really the best option? Can't you get revenge some other way?"
"No. They broke my heart when they murdered Daniel straight in front of me, especially after his proposal. My heart shattered that day and until Daniel is back in my life it's not going to repair. At least not fully."
"I know what you mean."
"Because Of Mason?"
"I still can't believe that a sniper bullet killed him, after everything both of us endured. I didn't think anything could kill him. He was even struck by lightning and he didn't die."
"Well Daniel's a tough guy."
"I know he is. He saved us from those home invaders twice, and nearly died the second time, but he still managed to get rid of them. Daniel's a lifesaver. If it wasn't for him we'd be dead."
"And I don't think we've ever thanked him for stopping both robberies, did we?"
"I know we pissed him off when he tried to wake up and pretended to still be asleep even though we woke up."
"Yeah that was really selfish of us Grayson. He needed our help, and we did nothing. We only helped him during the time he was suicidal, but not when the house was broken into. Are we really that selfish?"
"Seems like it. So when he returns Chandler we're going to give him one hell of an apology. After all we owe it to him."
"Yeah, we do. Now let's go over the plan a few more times."
"Good idea Chan."

A few hours later...
"So, are we finally clear on the plan Chandler?"
"Yes. Now in a few days all we have to do is execute it and kill everyone who was involved in killing Daniel, and knocking you out."
"Right. I just hope that our plan goes smoothly."
"I know it will Grayson. After all you came up with it."
"It's not as good as a plan Daniel would've made."
"Who cares? You made a plan to the best of your abilities, and I know it's going to work without any foul ups."
"I sure hope so, but at least we're prepared if it does go sideways. Now let's get some shut eye."
"Goodnight Grayson."
"Goodnight Chandler, have a good sleep."
"You too."
"I love you bro."
"I love you too."
"See you in the morning."

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now