Apocalypse Averted

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RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth, Hotline Miami belongs to Dennaton Games

The last thing I saw was a light. I know what you're thinking, "Well, duh the last thing you see before you die is a light." but this was no ordinary light. It was orange, and in the middle of the void, was Richard. "So, you're wondering how come you're not dead?" I just look at him without answering, giving him the same stare when he asked me in 1989, " Do you like hurting other people?" He continues, "I've been assigned to take you out of this place and put you into another, and it seems I got here at the last second by pulling you out of the prison before the nuke was set off." Richard started walking and showed me a portal into a forest near a bridge "Well, Jacket, this is where we part ways." Richard said as I was already dressed as i was in '89, letterman jacket and everything. "Once you walk through that portal, look for a man with silver hair, show him the mask, he'll know I sent ya." I nod to Richard as i finally walk into the forest and take a deep breath as a free man. It was nighttime once I got into town, but then, I hear a crash and gunshots, so I put on the rooster mask and followed after them, bashing any masked man head that got in my way, and followed little red riding hood. Once I got to the roof the only thing i heard from carrot top was "Well, Red and... Rooster, I'm afraid this... is where we part ways." as he aimed his... cane-gun(?) at us, I hear one of the masked men yell, "HUNTRESS!!!" and streaks of purple light were flashing through the air. All of a sudden Red and I were encased in a purple bubble, and I hear little red say, "You're a huntress... CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH???" I sighed and took off my mask, revealing my blond hair and brown eyes.

(Timeskip: tape forwarding noises)

Red and I were in a dimly lit room, similar to the interrogation room i was in after i was caught in '89. I wasn't paying attention to what miss blonde and busty said to little red until the door opened and in walked the silver haired man that Richard told me about. After noticing Little red's eyes he turned to me and said "You seem lost, my friend, do you have a name?" I reach into my jacket and pulled out the rooster mask. Ozpin looked shocked at the mask then smiled a bit before saying, "So you must be Jacket. Richard has told me about you, but i didn't know he was going to bring you here." Suddenly a tape recorder appeared out of thin air and started playing what was on my mind at the time "Richard, you son of a bitch- Oh, shit, I said that out loud" After that embarrassment, Ozpin started interviewing Little Red. After inviting red to his academy, called Beacon, he turned to me and asked "Jacket, do you want to join my academy?" The tape recorder started playing, "Sure, besides if you haven't heard, I ain't got nothing to go back to in Miami after it got nuked to shit."

Hurting Other People (RWBY x Hotline Miami)Where stories live. Discover now