A New Beginning

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(Tape forwarding noises and Play button Pressed)

After the "interview", I was on an airship headed to Beacon, along with a bunch of other people, among them Little Red and a busty blonde brawler who was hugging her to death. She's her half sister, according to Richard.  After a hologram appearance from Miss Kinky Jockey, the airship landed in Beacon, and I was the first one off, taking in the view of the big-ass tower in front of me, and a blond dude losing his breakfast a little bit later.

  After witnessing Red being ditched by her sister, I decide to approach Red to try and "talk" to her, pulling out my tape recorder to talk, but then put it away after seeing the mess she got herself into with some white haired girl acting all snobby and shit. I approached the two of them, getting in front of Red defensively. The white haired girl asked with fury in her voice, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU DOLT? CAN'T YOU SEE SHE ALMOST DROPPED ALL THIS DUS-" I pull out the tape recorder and pressed play, "First of all, i don't know what dust is, nor do I care. Second, she was APOLOGIZING to you but you didn't accept it due to you being all high and mighty for some bullshit reason, and Third, and this one's the kicker, YOU SHOULD FUCK OFF BEFORE I BASH YOUR BRAINS IN WITH A HAMMER, YOU STUCK UP PRINCESS!!!!!!"

"It's heiress, actually." A girl with a big bow on her head appeared suddenly while saying this, "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." Miss High and Mighty smiled smugly, "Finally! Some recognition!". But the raven haired girl seemed to stab her in the heart with "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." After the princess walked away in anger, and the catgirl(?) disappeared, the only ones left were Red and I.

After an awkward silence, Red started talking, "Sooo... Jacket, right?" I nodded and played the tape recorder, "And you must be Little Red, right?" Red giggled a bit, "Close, It's Ruby, nice to meet ya" We both shook hands and walked towards the auditorium. After a meeting with the weird blond dude from earlier, I get the strangest feeling after seeing a red haired bearded dude, like if I've seen him before. The bearded dude approached me and asked, "Jacket, is that you, dude?" I look at him in shock, And the tape player blared with "BEARD, BUT I THOUGHT YOU DIED IN SAN FRANCISCO!!!" Beard's eyes lit up, "IT IS YOU, JACKET!!!"  and both of us hug it out. Ruby then asked Beard, "Hey, aren't you the convenience store guy?" I turn to Beard with a proud look and the recorder played, "So, you finally got that store you wanted, huh?" Beard smiled "Yep, I finally went legit like I always wanted."  After hugging it out and talking for a while I left Beard to follow Ruby and Vomit Boy (His name is Jaune But i'll call him Vomit Boy because it's funny) to wherever the fuck the auditorium was.

(Tape forwarding noises and Play button Pressed)

After an seemingly dark speech by the wizard, all of us were separated: boys on one side, girls on the other.  After the girls I met had an argument about the events that happened earlier, I knocked out.

(Tape forwarding noises and Play button Pressed)

After the rude awakening by Miss Hyper Ginger that woke up the whole auditorium, I went to the locker to get my stuff: Letterman jacket, MAC-10, hammer and rooster mask. After closing my locker, I see Mr. Motion Sickness trying to hit on this spartan redhead, who, according to the snobby bitch from yesterday, is a 4-time champion of a tournament in this place called Mistral (I'll need to get a map later).

Once I got my stuff (and seen Vomit Boy pinned to a wall) I followed the herd of students to a cliff and after a small speech about teams, how they were gonna be formed, and the relics to look for,  everybody got launched off the cliff. I manage to land without any serious injuries, besides going face first into a tree.

After a series of run-and-gunning, and bloody brutality, i got to the place the wizard talked about. The place was a temple-looking building with the relics, that looked an awful lot like chess pieces,save for an orange rooster in the middle of it all. Knowing I'd be kicked out if I came back empty-handed, I took the orange rooster, helped out Ruby and her friends take out a big-ass bird, and got to see all the teams that were formed. First was CRDL, their attitude kinda reminded me of the Russians, arrogant assholes. Next was Vomit Boy's team, JNPR, which included Miss Hyper Ginger (Her name is Nora), The Spartan (Pyrrha), and The Karate Kid (Ren). Finally, Ruby's team, RWBY, kinda weird that the team name sounds like hers, but OK. Her teammates are the John Hughes villain (Her name being Weiss), The Kitty Ninja (Her name is Blake), and Blondie (Yang, Ruby's Half-Sister). Then the wizard called my made-up name. "And now, Mr. Richard Fritz, also known as Jacket, who has found the orange rooster and since all the teams are full but not the dorms, Mr. Fritz will be a one-man team by the name of MIAM (Miami)."

Hurting Other People (RWBY x Hotline Miami)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora