Chapter I.

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"Mom are you and Dad sure you're okay with taking care of the kids?"

Topanga smiles as she watched her oldest daughter get ready for her date. "Maybe you should have asked us that before we arrived at your home."

Rose placed her earrings in her ear and turned to smile at her Mom. "I'm just worried."

"You forget that I raised four kids myself."


"Yeah. You, Riley, Auggie, and your Dad."

She chuckles. "And you deserve a reward for that," she turns to her Mom with a diamond necklace in her hand.

Topanga gently takes it from her and helps her place it on her neck, she backs up and looks Rose up and down. "You look beautiful."

She did look beautiful. Rose was wearing a red long sleeve velvet dress with a slit down the side.

"Don't cry Mom," Rose tells her Mom.

"I'm not gonna cry."

"You have the same look in your eye that you did on my wedding day," she places a pair of black heels on.

Topanga went to say something when the door to the bedroom opened and two toddlers ran in.

Wren held on to Mateo as he led the two of them over to their Mother. "Mommy you lwook pweddy," Wren says. "Righd Teo?"

Mateo nods furiously. "You do mommy."

She places a kiss on both of their cheeks leaving red lipstick stains. "Thank you, babies. Now, what as you running in here like that."

"Daddy an gwanpa said huwwy up!" Wren responds. "You'we gonna miss dinnew. Why can'd we go do dinnew widh you?"

Topanga picks her up from the back. "Don't you wanna spend time with Grandpa and Grandma?" seh blows a raspberry on Wren's stomach causing her to let out a joyous laugh.

"Gwandma sdop!" Wren squeals reaching for her Mom. "Mommy help!"

Rose chuckles and picks up Mateo. "Mom you better stop before she pees on herself, she's had a lot of juice today." she heads for the door with Mateo in her arms.

Topanga instantly stops and follows Rose out of the room and down the spiral staircase.

"Whoa!" Maximo gaps as his wife walks over to him. He turns to the toddler in his arms. "Doesn't Mommy look beautiful?"

Liam giggles and reaches for his Mom. "Mommy! Mommy!"

Rose places a kiss on his cheek and smiles at Maximo. "You look handsome." Maximo was "Ready?"

"I'm the one that has been waiting for you, remember."

Rose sticks her tongue out and turns to her parents. She passes Wren to her father. "Are you guys sure you got this."

Corey turns to his wife. "She does remember we raised her right." Topanga coughs. "Okay you raised her." he turns back to his daughter. "We're fifty not dead Rose. I'm sure we can handle a five-year-old-"

"Gwanpa me'm five an a half," Wren protest, patting him on the cheek.

"Excuse me a five and a half year old, a two-year-old, a one-year-old, and a two month," he pauses. "Maybe we can't handle that."

Rose rolls his eyes at him while Maximo rocks a tired Liam. "Sienna has been put to bed she should sleep until we get back home, if she wakes up that means her diaper is full or she needs feeding. I have five bottles pumped for her, she should not drink more than five ounces. As soon as we leave Liam needs to be put to bed." As if he understood what his Mommy was saying he let out a huge yawn. "Mateo and Wren need to be in bed by 8pm. No later."

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