Jaemin - Baseball Tryouts

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This imagine is just me being a massive baseball nerd. Also my baseball season starts soon.

(Dingers are baseballer slang from homeruns)

Finally I can try out for the seniors baseball team. Ever since I found out my school had a baseball team I wanted to tryout but couldn't because I was a junior.

I grab my cleats and glove out of my locker and head to the field. Half way there my best friend, Chenle, runs up to me slightly out of breath.

"Y/n are. You. Trying out. For the. Baseball. Team." He says in between breathes. I nod my head and continue walking to the field.

"I heard Na Jaemin is trying out. He's been to nationals and is apparently really good. You sure you wanna do this?" I stop and look at my best friend, that I've known since preschool. I grab his shoulders.

"Zhong Chenle, listen to me. Nothing is stopping me from trying out. Ok?" I question. He simply nods his head and we walk on.

Once at the field I sit on the bench in the dugout and put on my cleats. I suddenly feel eyes on me but choose to ignore them. I get up and walk over to the group of 20 guys, all of which are way taller then me.

Some laugh and some stare at me with confusion. I mean I'm the only girl to ever try out at this school and the team has never played against a girls so me being here is foreign for them.

"Hey Princess the netball courts up there." A voice says. I look around and see it came from none other than Mr Na Jaemin, the "most handsome" guy in my grade. Some of the guys laughed at his remark.

"Honestly Jae she's probably better than you." A second year senior, Johnny states, his remark getting more of a laugh. Leaving Jaemin shocked.

I feel all eyes on me again. I need to say something back to that prick Jaemin. I step closer to Jaemin, looking up at his beautiful brown eyes and say, "Wanna challenge me then?"
I wait for his response, he looks around for a second seeing all the boys nod their head.

"Sure thing Princess. If you win, you can tryout." He steps closer. "And if I win, you don't tryout." He leans closer and says into my ears. "And you have to go on a date with me." He steps back and all the boys go crazy. I swear boys at my school are actually animals.

I nod my head and say, "You're on pretty boy." Putting my hand out in front of me for him to shake. He extends his arm and shakes my hand.

We decided the best thing to do is a home run derby with 10 pitches each as we don't have long until tryouts start. Lucky for me I'm a stronger batter then fielder, but still dominates at both.

The L net is setup at the pitchers mount, with second year senior, Jaehyun pitching. His pitching is insane. The dudes 18 and is already pitching around 97km/h.

Jaemin's up first which gives me a chance to see his batting, what Jaehyun's pitching today and how many home runs I need to win, just like a game, you wanna bat last.

Jaemin's first two hits made it to the outfield both getting caught by Johnny. His third one tho was hit right over the fence at centre field. He looks back and says with a cocky smirk, "looks like I've won because there's no way you're hitting a dinger." I scoff at his remark.

His next two hits went to Yuta at left field and Doyoung at right field and two were grounders to Jisung at second. Come on no more dingers for Jaemin.

The next 3 hits went everywhere but over the fence, except the one fault ball but it's was the fence next to the dugout. He hits another home run at left field. Oh no here comes another cocky remark. "2 dingers. Beat that Princess." Ugh I wanna punch his handsome but punchable face so badly.

I grab one of the bats out of the kit. I walk up to the plate and get set. I close my eyes for a second. Come on y/n you need to beat that prick. I need to be on this team. I open my eyes and get set.

My first five hits were fly balls to the outfield. I step back from the plate and shake my head. Come on y/n. I step back up to the plate and get set again. Jaehyun pitches the ball and I swing just like I would in a game. The ball flys over centre field fence. I smile and turn to Jaemin. "What did you say about me not being able to hit dingers?" This time he's the one that scoffs.

I hit another home run after my first and see the nervous look on Jaemin's face. But he's trying to cover it up and act cool and clearly it isn't working.

My next two hits are grounders to Jisung on second and Mark on third. You have one pitch left and you need just one dinger. You got this y/n.

I get set again at home plate and wait for the pitch. When Jaehyun pitches the ball it leaves his hand in slow motion and with one big swing my bat sends the ball over the left field fence.


Chenle runs up the me and screams in my face, "you did it y/n. You beat Jaemin." At this point all the boys came in from the field. Giving me a pat on the back or head. "I knew you could do it." Johnny says ruffling my hair and I let out a little giggle.

I look over my shoulder and see Jaemin walk over to me. "I guess
you're trying out." All the boys cheer for my success in the home run derby.

The coach comes and tells everyone to get into positions. I jog over to short stop and Jaemin gets his catchers gear on. Half way to my position, I turn around and yell out, "yo Na Jaemin." He turned around and looks at me.

"Pick me up at 5." I turn around and walk to my position. All the boys ohhh and ahhh.

I tried my best with this imagine. I honestly love baseball so much and can't wait until my season starts.

- I R E N E

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