Jungwoo - Puppy Love

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I'm sat in my living room with Jungwoo on a cold Christmas morning. Opening presents we bought for each other. Both still in pyjamas and with messy bed hair. I can't help but look at Jungwoo and smile. How didn't I get so lucky?

17 years ago

"Mummy can I play on the swing?" I say with a massive teethless smile.

"Of course you can y/n" my mum says as he sits at one of the benches at the park.

I walk towards the swing and see it's occupied by some older boys. I frown and say, "can I have a go?" They all laugh at me.

The "leader" says, "no you can not. This is my swing." I feel a tear leave my left eyes. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a boy around my age with massive adorable cheeks and a smile that could cure everything bad.

"Do you wanna come play with me?" I nod my head and head over to the sandpit with him. "Thanks." Is all I say.

We would hang out at the park together all the time. We became inseparable. Our mums started to talk and became friends. Which made mine and Jungwoo's friendship to flourish.

We'd hangout at each other's house and have sleepovers. We'd eat so much food that our stomachs would ache and stay up all night telling stories.

Until we reached teen years. Being a teen girl in today's society, I felt so much pressure. I was less excited about going out with Jungwoo as I didn't feel like I fitted into society. Jungwoo started to notice my change in attitude and was concerned.

He helped me with feeling confident and happy with myself. I'm so grateful for having him in my life. We continued to hang out like normal.

When we were 16 he got his first girlfriend and I should have been happy for him but a part of me was hurting because of my best friends new relationship. I tried to get my mind off of him by dating boys at school. But I never was happy with them and I couldn't stop thinking about Jungwoo.

After 4 months Jungwoo's girlfriend dumped him for one of the popular boys in my science class. He was heartbroken but I got to comfort him and stuff his face with ice cream.

I was still very private about my feeling towards Jungwoo but he wasn't and me being me, I thought it was all a joke.

When we were 19, Jungwoo grew up and asked me to be his girlfriend. Honestly it was the best day of my life. I feel so incredibly in love with him and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriends.

Present time

"Ok babe close your eyes while I get your next present." I obey my boyfriends request and close my eyes.

"Ok open them." I open my eyes and in front of me is Jungwoo holding a beautiful little staffy puppy. I grab the puppy and cradle it in my arms. I feel tear well up in my eyes.

"I love you so much Jungwoo." I lean over and give him a kiss.

"Remember what everyone use to tell us when we were younger?" He questions.

"It's puppy love." We say at the same time.

Yo staffy owner gang 👋 especially staffy cross owners. I have a staffy cross but don't know the other breed because we got her from the RSPCA. Her names Shandy and she's a devil but I love her

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