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Elliana's pov

"A party?" I ask, looking at Spencer as if he was insane. He nods and smiles at me. 

"Come out little caterpillar. Come out of your cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly," He says, reaching over and pinching my cheeks. I roll my eyes.

"Me, Elliana Maxwell, go to a party? Are you crazy?" I ask, shaking my head at him.

"Come on, Ellie," He groans, taking one of  my hands in his. "Spread your wings butterfly, go to places you've never been before. Be a daredevil. Live your life."

"If I agree to go to this stupid party will you leave me alone?" I chuckle. He nods which causes me to sigh. I take a minute to decide.

A high school party can't be that bad? And I mean, come on, Ellie. Do you really want to be the only Junior in the planet that hasn't been to a party?

I take a deep breath and nod. "Fine. I'll go," I sigh. Was I making a mistake?  Possibly. Would I regret the decision in the morning? Most definitely. 

"Good. Now we have to go shopping and find the perfect outfit for you. You're going to look amazing and when everyone sees you, there jaws are gonna drop," He tells me. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Believe what you want, Spence. But I'm pretty sure the only reason jaws are gonna drop is because the quiet girl shows up at a party," I tell him as he grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed. He pulls me all the way downstairs and out the door. I get into the car and wait for him to get in as well, just wishing that this day would move faster so I could get it over with.

. . . 

"What about this one?" I ask, holding  up a long, white dress. Spencer shakes his head. 

"You'll look like a grandma," He laughs. I roll my eyes. 

"Well you've shut down every dress I picked out so why don't you just pick it out," I sigh, knowing I'd regret this decision. But that just seems to be the theme of today, Ellie makes decisions she'll regret. 

He leaves me waiting as he ventures through out the small store, trying to find the perfect dress. It feels like hours before he finally comes back. He hides the dress from me and takes my hand, pulling me into a dressing room. He then hands me the black dress and I look at it. 

"It's a little... revealing... don't you think?" I ask, messing with the black fabric.

"Stop being a baby. Put it on and let me see when you're done," He says before opening the dressing room door, leaving and closing the door behind him. I take a minute to look at the dress. It was sleeveless and a small slit on the thigh. I sigh and just put it on. Once it's on, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm not gonna lie, I look really hot. I open the door and Spencer's jaw instantly drops. 

"That's the one," he smiles, holding his hand over his heart. I roll my eyes at the dramatic effect he adds on to everything.  

"It's not that big of a deal," I laugh. He shakes his head.

"Everyone is going to be questioning who you are in that dress. Please tell me you are wearing it tonight." 

I look down at the short dress and sigh. "I'll wear it tonight," I say, giving in to his puppy dog eyes. He claps his hands in excitement and smiles at me. I return to the dressing room and take the dress off, put it on the hanger, and then follow Spencer to the cashier. No matter how much I protest, he pays for the somewhat expensive dress.

"Shoes next?" He asks. I sigh and nod, knowing that I can't protest. He smiles and pulls me to a shoe store. I say of this time and let him pick out the shoes, knowing that I won't be able to pick out something that matches. In just minutes, he has these high heel anklet boots and we're paying. 

"Anything else you want to spoil me with?" I joke.

"Actually," He says looking around. 

"Spence, I was joking," I laugh. 

"I wasn't, though," He laughs, taking my hand and pulling me into Rue 21. We end up getting a jean jacket and leaving. 

"Are we done now?" I ask. He looks at the bags in his hands before nodding. 

. . .

I look at myself in the mirror. I was almost unrecognizable. My face, which i normally didn't have the time or energy to put makeup on, was now all made up. It wasn't that I was bad at doing makeup, actually I was really good, it was just that it was so time consuming. Just the simple makeup look took me an hour. 

My hair was curled by Spencer who was used to doing it for his older sister who's blind. That took another half hour. 

Then I had to get changed which didn't take long, but Spencer insisted that I had to take photos so that took another 30 minutes. 

Now, we're at Spencer's house so he can get ready himself. The party was in just an hour but Spencer said that we should arrive a half hour late so we don't look so desperate. I look at myself in the mirror while I wait for him to finish getting dressed. Was this enough to drop jaws? Or would I go unnoticed like always?

- - - 

Here's a little visual. 

Elliana's makeup:

Elliana's outfit:

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Elliana's outfit:

(minus the hat, glasses and necklace)

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(minus the hat, glasses and necklace)

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