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Elliana's pov

"Wow,"  I mumble, looking up at the gigantic house in front of me. It was literally gigantic. 

"I forgot you've never been here before," He laughs as he parks the car in the middle of the lawn because the driveway was packed. 

"And you have?" I question.

"Of course I have. I'm the cool gay guy. Everyone wants me at their parties," He laughs. I roll my eyes, knowing he was right. 

"Are you ready?" He asks, watching me readjust my dress a total of 3 times,trying to make it cover a little more than it did. Once I come to the conclusion that I won't be able to fix it, I sigh and nod. My anxiety gets the best of me, and I begin to have obsessive thoughts. 

You're not pretty enough for this. You're not cool enough for this. If you turn heads it's because everyone is wondering who the hell you thought you were showing up here.

"I know that look. You're worrying. Don't do that. You look perfect," He says as he pushes the driver's side door open and climbs out. I do the same and address my dress when I stand up. It rises despite my many attempts to get it down. Spencer tells me to stop like three times before I listen. And then we walk. We walk up the driveway and into the house. 

I'm immediately met with the smell of liquor and sweat. I don't know why I expected it to smell better. But I did. And I was wrong. Very wrong. I look around as people look at me. Someone nudges there friend and points at me. I make out the words he says. "Is that Elliana Maxwell?" 

My wishes to go unnoticed no matter what the attention was are obviously rejected because that friend turns to his friend and he turns to his friend and soon everyone in the house is looking at me. 

"Ellie!" Someone says walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. I look at the person and give the a fake smile. The girl seemed familiar but not so much to the point where I knew her name. It was rather odd of me to draw blanks, especially with a photographic memory but it could happen. And it did. 

"Hi," I simply say. 

"I didn't know you'd be here!" That's when her name hits me. Cora Spears. The girl who tries to be friends with everyone. The girl that's really annoying with her high-pitched voice. 

"Neither did I," I mumble. "It was nice to see you Cora but there's a bar over there that's calling my name," I say before making my way to the mini drink area. Brandon is sitting right there. I take the seat next to him.

"Whatcha drinking?" He asks, not looking at me. 

"The strongest thing you have," I tell him. He looks over at me when I say this.

"So the rumors are true," He laughs looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows at him, quietly asking him to elaborate. "Elliana Maxwell showed up at my party."

"Oh, yeah. Here I am," I smile as he hands me the drink.

"You look hot," He says. This catches me off-guard. Brandon never really noticed me. For obvious reasons, of course. I was the lame girl in class. The girl everyone knows because her name is always called on in class when a teacher needs an answer. Because she knew all the answers. I was many things to people like Brandon. The nerd, the know-it-all. But never the hot girl. And now I was the hot girl.

"Thanks. You do too," I awkwardly say. I down the drink after that. Hoping it was strong enough to get me at least a little tipsy. 

Within 20 minutes, I've downed 4 cups of whatever the weird liquor was and I'm in the middle of the dance floor dancing despite who was watching. 

I start grinding on a bunch of people, having lost my sense of mind that overthought everything. It felt nice to let go, to stop caring. 

Another hour goes by and I'm stumbling towards a bedroom. A guy's hand in mine. Was I initiating what was happening or was he? I wasn't really sure. 

All I knew was I was locking the door. And then being pushed up against the wall as the boy kissed me, I kissed back despite my lack of experience. And then the amount of clothes we were wearing became less and less until we were lying naked in the bed. 

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