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Elliana's pov

"Fuck," I mumble as sunlight pours into the bedroom through the curtains. I slowly open my eyes to see unfamiliar walls. I sit up quickly, slightly panicking. There's a soft groan from next to me. I feel my heart start racing as I look to my right to see a boy laying next to me. Memories from last night come flooding back and makes my headache worse. 

The boy turns over and his green eyes open a little. 

"Good morning," He mumbles, his voice deep and laced with sleep. It takes me a second to realize it was Brandon. My heart begins to pound when I look around and see my dress laying on the ground as well as my underwear and bra. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, sitting up next to me.

"What exactly happened last night?" I ask looking at him. I get a sharp pain in my head and wince. 

"Here, lay down. I'm going to go get you water and then we can talk about what happened last night," he says. I nod and lay back down. Brandon gets up and puts on boxers and basketball shorts before exiting the room. Not long after, he comes back in with a glass of water. He hands it to me and I sit up to drink it. 

"Last night, we were dancing, and you were grinding on me. And then you took my hand and dragged me up here. I'm sure you can connect the dots after that," He tells me. I nod and sigh.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, looking down at my body that was barely being covered by the blanket. 

"Oh, here," Brandon says as he gets up and grabs my underwear and bra. He hands it to me before going to his closet. He pulls a hoodie off the hanger and grabs a pair of nike sweatpants out of a drawer. He hands these to me as well. 

"I can turn around if you want," He says. I nod and mumble a quick thank you as I take the clothes from him and he turns around. I quickly change into the clothes before sitting on the bed again. Brandon turns back around and sits in the bed next to me. 

"I'm sorry, I should probably leave," I sigh. I suck at hook ups. Granted this is my first and most definitely my last. But I still suck at them.

"No no no. It's okay. Stay as long as you'd like, Elle. You must have a huge hang over. If you want to take a nap this bed is all yours. If you want to take a shower you can do that to. And if you're hungry let me know, I can make you breakfast." He gives me a small smile.

"Breakfast and a shower sound like a plan," I answer back. He nods and stands up and walks to the side of the bed I was on. He grabs my hand and helps me out of bed, making sure I wasn't dizzy or going to fall before leading me to the bathroom.

He then turns the shower on and gets me shampoo, conditioner, and a towel. 

"You can put those clothes back on when you're done and then meet me in the kitchen. Is pancakes okay?" He asks.

"If you add chocolate chips into them they will be," I give him a cheesy smile which he returns. 

"Will do, princess," He replies before shutting the door and leaving me alone in the bathroom blushing like an idiot over the simple nickname. I stick my hand under the water and find that it was the perfect temperature. I begin to undress before getting into the shower. I wash my hair and my body before turning off the water. I step out and wrap the towel around my body. My stomach rumbles and I decide to go to the kitchen with just the towel on. Brandon has seen my in less, there wouldn't be a problem, right? 

When I get downstairs, he's dancing around the kitchen, waiting for the pancakes to be ready. 

"Hi," I smile at him. He turns around and looks at me, his green eyes shining. 

"Hi to you too." His eyes rake up and down my body and for once the attention I was getting was wanted. I wanted him to look at me like this. I wanted him to always look at me like this. 

"The pancakes are almost done." He turns around and flips the one that was in the skillet. 

"I should probably go put clothes on," I laugh. He shrugs. 

"That would be up to you, princess." There he goes with that nickname again, making  my heart do back flips and shit. 

"I can leave after breakfast, I don't want to overstay my welcome," I tell him as he places a plate in front of me at the island in his kitchen where I was sitting. He also puts the butter and syrup on the island. 

"That's up to you. Like I said, stay as long as you want," He says as he puts a plate next to me. He looks around the kitchen a little at the piles of solo cups and alcohol bottles. 

"I'll help you clean up, and then I'll leave," I tell him. He shakes his head as he sits next to me. We fight back and forth about me helping him clean as we ate. When we finish, it is settled that I will help. 

So the next two hours are spent listening to music being blasted from his television speaker and cleaning up the whole entire house. And as boring as that might sound, it was rather fun. I begin to realize anything with Brandon was fun. And when the time came for me to leave I found myself dreading it. But alas, I pull out my phone and type a text to Spencer asking him to pick me up. 

10 minutes later, I get an 'I'm here' text and say good bye to Brandon.

"Thank you for helping me clean up, and for last night," He says with a wink as he pulls me into a hug. 

"No problem,"  I reply with a little laugh. 

"We should hang out again some time." He gives me a shy smile and I nod in agreement. 

"For sure," I say as I pull his front door open and step outside. I pull the door shut before walking towards Spencer's car. The first thing I say to him when I get in the car is, "Oh. My. God." 

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