Chapter Four

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       The five all left the restaraunt with a full stomach and a smile.

'We totally have to meet again. Maybe next time you guys can meet my brother. Here---' Pidge pulled out a small slip of paper from her jean shorts pocket, then handing it to Shiro, with Keith peering over his shoulder.

'Those are our numbers. The first one is mine, the second one is Lance's, and the third is Hunk's. Text or call us, okay?'

Shiro smiled and nodded.

'We'll make sure. Well, it was nice meeting you guys. See you all later,' Shiro said before waving and walking away with Keith.

Pidge, Hunk, and Lance all waved and yelled goodbye as they headed home, and before they were fully out of sight, Keith and Lance got one last look at each other's faces.

'Weren't they so cool?' Pidge asked, for some reason excited.

'Yeah,' Hunk said. 'They were pretty cool. Its also cool that they were gamers, too. Can't wait to collaborate.'

Lance dozed off once again as Pidge and Hunk talked. For some reason he couldn't get his mind off of Keith. What was it? His hair? His body? His looks? Lance suddenly shook his head, and he was in front of his apartment.

I'll see you guys later,' Pidge said, waving goodbye.

'See ya Pidge!'

'Yeah. See you,' Lance said, then running upstairs with Hunk following him.

'You staying over?' Lance asked, unlocking and opening his door, kicking his shoes off by the door.

'Yeah, until Shay picks me up.'

'Right,' Lance mumbled, nodding. He walked into his living room with only his socks on, then headed over to the small kitchen in the corner. Hunk shut the door, plopping on Lance's couch and turning on the television, watching whatever appeared on screen.

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