mind of knives

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My mind
Is a weird thing
It's a labyrinth
Filled with knives
Every wall
Is covered

Walk to close
You'll get cut
You'll get stabbed

Walk a straight line
And you'll meet another wall
Filled with knives
Sharper then you think
Easier to hurt yourself on
Then you expect

And that's why
My mind is a scary place
It may cut you
It may make you bleed
But it you get to the end
It might just heal you
Our souls may unite
But it would take lots of time
And effort
Maybe it will be worth it?
Maybe it won't.

What if it takes too long
What if you dont reach it in time
And all that's left
Is a dark place
An empty space
Between existence and unconsciousness

And that's why its safer
To stay outside
Of my world of knives

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