#2: Klance Angst

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Lance's P.O.V

        I could feel his eyes on me. My heart began to beat faster as tears ran down his cheeks.

"I love you," he whispered, putting up his purple hoodie and starting to walk away.

"Wait!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist. We stared at each other for a moment, before I pulled him in, kissing his lips.

Keith pulled away, putting down his Galra mask.

As he began to walk away once again, there was an explosion. I was forcefully thrown to the side, hitting and sliding on the ground, injuring almost every part of my body.

I covered the bleeding wound on the side of my forehead.

"Keith?" I mumbled, my vision blurred.

He lay there, his body still and his suit stained with dark red.

"Keith!" I screamed before I blacked out.

And that was the last time I ever saw him. . . .

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