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During a stressful day of fighting with her mother, Morgan made the wise choice of going to the local mall to hang out with her friends. While there, she met Xavier, someone who turned out to be very similar to her. After having an incident of harassment from a security officer, Xavier had told Morgan he could act as her witness if need be. That's what he did, during a meeting with the mall's management. From there, Morgan and Xavier began to talk more. They became friends. Then they grew closer. Then they began to hang out, and that's where the story begins.

Morgan had invited Xavier to a bridal show that she and her mother were attending. They had to fill out a form for the "bride," although there was a slight problem. No one with them was getting married any time soon. They stood around a table in the lobby of the hotel in which the show was hosted.
"Who do we know that's getting married soon?" Morgan's mother, Lisa, asked.
"Oh, my brother is getting married!" Xavier said. Morgan and Lisa laughed as Xavier began writing down his future sister-in-law's information.
After filling it out, they turned the form in and entered the room that contained all of the participating companies of the bridal show.
About halfway through the show, Morgan and Xavier grabbed some snacks and went out to the front of the hotel, where there was a restaurant owned by the hotel. They sat at one of the tables and snacked.
They sat there and talked, continuing to eat their snacks. After finishing, they went back into the show.
Business participants were constantly asking about Morgan and Xavier's engagement, although there wasn't one between them. Morgan would feel her face burn as she blushed each time these types of questions were asked.
As the show drew to an end, the fashion show for one of the bridal wear companies was about to start. Xavier and Morgan seated themselves in the back. They sang along to the music and joked with each other through the show.
After the show, the had to depart. Xavier and Lisa chatted for a few minutes after the show, before they all left.

It was the evening of the day after the bridal show. Morgan and Xavier were messaging each other on Snapchat. That's when it happened. They both (finally) admitted something they'd been hiding from each other. They had feelings for each other. Not just an elementary school type crush. They genuinely liked each other. Thanks to them both confessing their feelings, they hung out more often. They got to see each other more. And some things happened that definitely weren't expected to happen when they had first met.

UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora