Act Natural

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Xavier was picking Morgan up from school again. He was in his army uniform. Morgan was also babysitting that night, and her mom wanted him to be in uniform and to meet the kids.

Morgan had officially broken up with Gabe. She had felt much better. She felt as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
Morgan walked out of the school and into Xavier's car.
"Some kid was about to throw a snowball at his friend. He looked over at me and then dropped it," Xavier said, after they said their hellos. "Like dude, I won't do anything. Throw a snowball!"
Morgan talked with her mom on the phone while Xavier drove to the mall parking lot. He parked the car and Morgan finished her conversation with her mom.
They listened to music for a little bit. Xavier scooted over to the left in his seat, then he leaned down and rested his head on Morgan's lap. Morgan smiled down at him and ran her hands through his hair.
He's so precious! Morgan thought to herself. After a few minutes, Xavier sat back up.
They began kissing...and kissing...and did some more kissing. Xavier got out and cleaned out the backseat so they could move back there to cuddle.
Xavier sat on the left and Morgan leaned against him. He wrapped his right arm around her. Morgan then turned to face him and began to kiss him. He placed his hand on her thigh, slowly moving upwards. Once he reached the very top, he began rubbing her on the outside of her pants.
"Mmm," she moaned at his touch. Fuck! she thought to herself.
After a bit, she swung her right leg over him and straddled him. He rested his hands on her butt, squeezing it. He began kissing and nibbling her neck. She moaned softly. Their lips met once more.
His hands slipped inside her pants, making her nervous yet excited. He began teasing her, rubbing her clit. She began moaning softly. He then slipped his finger inside of her. She gasped. He began twirling his finger and pushing it in deeper, as he kissed her neck. She moaned more.
"If you lay down on the seat, I can go deeper," Xavier whispered to her.
Morgan got off of him and went to lay down.
"Thought so," Xavier said, smirking.
Morgan's phone dinged. Her mom was at the restaurant they were meeting her at. Morgan groaned, obviously quite annoyed. She kissed Xavier again.
"We've gotta go," she said.
"Alright," he replied, kissing her.
He moved the driver's seat up so they could get out of the car. Since it was a two-door, it wasn't as easy to just climb back into the front.
Morgan walked around to her side and got in.
"Wait," she said. "One more kiss before we go."
Xavier places his hand on her cheek. Morgan's hand was on his shoulder. They kissed passionately before pulling out of the parking lot.
"Now I'm curious to know if that was your first time doing anything like that," Xavier said.
"Yeah," Morgan replied, smiling.

"Hi, guys," Xavier said to the kids. "How're we doin'?"
The kids were shocked. There was an actual army soldier standing right in front of them! Meanwhile, Morgan was trying to walk and act natural.
After talking and eating Japanese food, the kids got into Morgan's mom's car and met Xavier and Morgan at the movie theater. Morgan and Xavier has stopped at the pet store along the way, to give Xavier a chance to chance into comfortable civilian clothes.
They got their tickets and headed in. They were seeing "A Dog's Way Home."
During the beginning, Xavier reached his hand under the armrest and placed it on Morgan's thigh. She bit her lip and kept her eyes forward.
Later on, he leaned over and kissed her shoulder. She smiled at him.

Xavier and Morgan has to step out to get Jace's food, as he's a diabetic. When coming back into the theater, Xavier grabbed Morgan's waist. He pulled her against him. She could feel him through both of their pants. He gently kissed her neck. Into her ear, he whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too," she whispered back, smiling.

When the movie was over, and throughout the movie, Xavier teased Morgan constantly about how much she cried during the movie.
They were heading back to the kids' house. That night was filled with smiles and laughter. Morgan's favorite part of being at the house with Xavier and the kids was when she and Jenna (the little girl) came back down from being upstairs. Morgan had a Nerf crossbow. She shot Xavier with one of the arrows. Jenna got the crossbow from Morgan and was trying to shoot her back. Xavier came up behind Morgan and grabbed her by the waist. He picked her up so she couldn't run and so Jenna could shoot her. She hated and loved him for that.

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