2 not all that evil

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Hope's pov

2 years later

I hate it here my mom said i should try it here but all i want is to be with my dad , but my mom says "the salvatore boarding school is the safest place for you hope your father won't go there" she says through the phone" mom i hate it here the kids here think I'm a freak show and josie and lizzie call me the unwanted one" i say "what why did they say that that's not very nice " "well it wasn't josie but she doesn't disagree either and... never mind " i say taking a swig of water on my bedside table " Hope andrea mikaelson is there something you want to say you say it " she chided me "it's just....i ..i think they're right about me being unwanted...obviously not by you but by dad " i hear her sigh "Hope" "Lizzie said i might as well be a orphan already! It's true though isn't it ,and remember mom I'm half vampire too i can tell if you're lying " i say angrily "hun i don't...i don't know what he thinks about you ...but i do know what he feels for you..."i was getting fed up with this excuse "Hope your father loves you to the moon on another multiverse and back, he would literally die for you a million times over-" I've heard enough "THEN WHY CAN'T HE BE HERE FOR ME WHEN I NEED HIM TO BE!!!" I screamed and my magic went out of control and all the pillows on my bed exploded and the windows shattered into sand and the electricity went out the in the whole school,  i stepped back and then I looked at my arm and black veins were slowly receding away ,then i heard my mother's voice on the other line "HOPE HOPE ARE YOU THERE!?!?" She screamed into the phone the worry evident in her voice ,i put the phone to my ear " mommy...i ....I'm sorry i ...i just " i stop mid-sentence because my voice cracks "just what honey?" She asks calmly , i can feel the tears cascading down my cheeks " i just miss him...so much!!" I cry into the phone "i know hun , freya is looking for a way to get us back together,ALL of us" i wiped my tears away and nodded, the bell rings a few seconds later "mom i have to go I'm late for class" "ok honey i love you " i smile " i love you too, um can i come home for Christmas?" "... Hope...we're not gonna be here for Christmas, keelin knows about a lead about how to defeat the hallow but it's in Russia so you're father is going to new Orleans to protect the city, there must always be a mikaelson in new Orleans ...he volunteered..I'm sorry honey " "can't i come with you then?!" I asked frantically " no Rebekah is coming with me,I'm sorry honey maybe next year " i scoffed " that's what you said last year and for my birthday and for Thanksgiving, well would you look at that I'm not just unwanted by my father but I'm also unwanted by my entire family!" "Hope!" I hung up and turned off my phone and threw it on the bed and let out a disgruntled cry and blasted my desk to smithereens with my magic , i then fell to my knees breathing hard, wiping my face off from any stray tears, i then heard the late bell "uhgh" i sighed and got up and grabbed my bag with my books and the homework i finished as i walked out of my room to my first class,

On my way there i hear snickering and something's about how Marshall is living a lie and  another bullshit story about what i am i roll my eyes and walked away until i hear "klaus mikaelson" i stopped dead in my tracks and try to concentrate on the person who name dropped my father
" its crazy that the headmaster is teaching about klaus mikaelson the original freak today honestly I'm scared for the 3rd years " the 5th year student says , i don't care that he basically called my father a freak to my face ,no all i care about is I'm going to learn more about my father, I'm so ecstatic i started to run to my class supernatural history 101 , i opened the door smiling finally for what seems like forever , every student is in there seat except for me and Dorian, I'm so excited that i run to my seat and wait for the lesson to begin "morning miss Marshall,and why were you late?" Dorian asked "i...i was talking to my mom and i may have accidentally broke my desk with a spell ,i had to fix it so that's why I'm late" " that's detention!" I roll my eyes "fine whatever,can we just get on with the lesson?" Everyone is looking at me horrified "excellent idea hope, everyone turn to page 365 , we all turned our books to that and I'm smiling like an idiot...until i read the title

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