#14. Hand's of Glory/ Alaric's Disappointed what's new?

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Disclaimer I don't own legacies or tvd or the originals or any of the characters and places, i only own my own original plot and oc's.
The tvd extended universe is owned by julie plec and the writer of the book series respectively, its also owned by Warner brothers and the CW please support the official release


Chapter 14

[Hands of Glory/Alaric's Disappointed what's new?]

Hope's pov

I woke up when the sun started to rise and I immediately didn't feel good, I haven't felt this ill since before I triggered my werewolf curse and I knew that its kind of impossible seeing as my wolf should have prevented what was about to happen but those thoughts and theories about me having morning sickness could wait because I was leaning towards the possibility of it being possible and I was about to be proven right and it was going to be a mess.

To prevent that from happening I untangled myself from my sleeping girlfriend and vamp sped my naked self to my bathroom and dropped to my knees  infront of the toilet and emptied my undead stomach into the toilet basically hugging the porcelain bowl.

Apparently I was too loud from my retching and my groans of sickness that I woke up my beloved girlfriend, not that i could see her being as my head was halfway in the toilet but i knew because as soon as I heard her stirring I started to vomit again and it didn't take her long to find me kneeling on my knees in my position.

She walked over to me and kneeled down next to me and grabbed my hair so it wasn't in my face just as I was throwing up again and she started to trace patterns on my back and I felt her fingers land on my crescent moon mark "sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said to her as I wiped my mouth but she shook her head.

"Don't apologize, it's normal, it's called morning sickness for a reason, the least I can do is make sure that you don't get vomit in your hair and rub your back, by the way I have been meaning to ask but why is there a mark in the shape of a crescent moon on the back of your right shoulder? It wasn't there when we were in the cave but it's here now." She asked curiously.

I turned to her and she had a smile on her face but it was small almost nonexistent "I...we can talk about it when we get back in bed it's way too early and it's something i should tell you about when we're comfortable,  go back to bed I'll join you after i brush my teeth" i smiled back my signature smile and she nodded and stood up and i watched her retreating back into my bedroom, her tail swaying back and forth, i bit my lip and stood up and walked over to my sink and brushed my teeth and flossed and finished with gurgling mouth wash and spit into the sink and as i straightened up and wiped the sweat off my forehead and splashed some water on my face , i took a bath towel and dried my face but as i took the towel away from my face i saw my eyes and the veins moving around under my eyes and in an instant i saw flashes of my one woman army murder spree and i started to cry with my face in my hands.

Josie heard me crying and in an instant teleported to my side"Hope? What's wrong hey look at me" she tried to pull my hands away and she was much stronger than I thought and she succeeded in seeing my tears and my veins but i kept my eyes closed and tried to turn my head but she pulled my chin towards her and I didn't have the strength to pull away.

"Hey baby it's ok, the cravings get better with time you don't have to cry I'm sure we can find something to eat for you" I shook my head no "it's not that ... i...was just finishing up in here and i was washing my face and i finished drying my face and I....i saw my face.... i saw images of when I...i went on my murder spree" she had a sad and knowing look, "c'mon baby let's go lay down " she pulled me towards the bedroom and helped me into bed and she slipped in next to me and put the covers over us.

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