#6 the best funeral ever

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Disclaimer I don't own legacies or tvd or to originals, it's owned by the respective owners of each be it the books or the shows

Josie's pov

All i remember was the darkness and the sound of a ...well I'm not sure what it sounded like but i couldn't understand what it was saying or if it was even saying anything much less speaking but it sounded like light if that makes sense....what am I talking about of course that doesn't make any sense....ok um how about hmm lets see have you heard of supernatural? Not the world or word but the books and tv series...its really old and came out in the early 2000's anyway there is these angels in the show who talk to their troops with shinning light and loud burning sound that's what I'm hearing but it's not as loud...i told you it's hard to explain but that's what I'm hearing, i....i don't know what happened the last thing i knew was that i was not breathing and my heart stopped and then everything went black but i don't know why "c'mon Josie think why did this happen...i...i got shot by that guy from triad and i was poisoned and then I was dying and dad got me a cure it was blood  from...from...dammit Josie remember...what was her name...c'mon you had a crush on her for most of your life-HOPE!...i can't believe i almost forgot her name ,i took Hopes blood and i healed..i guess it wasn't enough to keep me alive unless....unless i wasn't healed all the way and after Hope jumped into Malivore her blood inside of me started to kill me...could it be that every single trace of her existence became apart of Malivore and that's including her blood that was healing me...but then why didn't it just stop the healing and go back to what it was doing before...it was totally different than what it was doing to me before i took her blood so why....why did it kill me so fast?, i have a feeling that i might never find out...unless...unless Hopes blood did its job and did heal me and when a vampire's blood does its job on a human and finishes healing someone they have 24 hours before its out of their system- of course! Hopes blood was in my system when she jumped into Malivore and she most likely didn't survive it so we somehow became linked...i don't know how but we did ,so when Hope was being eradicated from existence in this world she Technically pulled me with her granted i didn't jump into Malivore but i still was poisoned from afar so...i..i also died...but if i died with Hopes blood inside of me does that mean that I'm  in transition!?!?"

I had to stop thinking it was getting really hard to control my thoughts much less my emotions about what it meant for my future, if I'm even right about it then ill be awake soon and ill be in transition but ...could i even go through with it...grandpa didn't and neither did grandma but that was different circumstances ...would dad care for me even if I was a blood sucker?,would mom!? WOULD LIZZIE?!?!

I could feel the tears cascading down my cheeks....wait how am i crying in my subconscious how would that even be possible **RIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG**
"AGH!!" God dammit it got louder i spoke too soon i subconsciously put my hands to my ears...anything that lessens the volume of the unholy sound, not going to even question how i have my hands on my ears when i should be dead much less have control over my body ...unless my spirit has left my body, in which case that means I'm not in transition but I'm completely Dead...ugh this hurts thinking about it....that and somehow holding my ears is doing nothing for my hearing "AGH GOD!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!" i scream out into the void of darkness .

Then there was light it was so bright it's like when you're in a dark classroom for 40 minutes watching some science video on how gravity has laws and shit but then i think gravity is weak compared to the supernatural, anyway i was getting carried away but after the video ends and the teacher turns on the lights but doesn't warn you that it's on so you're blinded for a good 10 seconds before you can see anything , that's exactly what it felt like when the light appeared so me being curious looks straight at where the light emerged and immediately regretted it "AGH!!! MOTHER F#$&ER!!!" it felt like two iron fire poker's that are white hot being lodged into my eye sockets .

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