Chapter 7: It Was All A Dream

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Same day. Same time. I woke up all the sudden from my bed, sweating. Scott,  Louise and Skylar were staring at me. I was relieved she was alive.

"Are you alright, Luke?" Skylar asked.

" long have I've been..... asleep? I asked

"Ahh... Never mind that." Scott said.

"What happened to our missions? Skylar?" I asked, "and why on earth am I in the hospital?"

There was no reply. As I sat up and looked around, Skylar left the room. I was worried that she hates me because of what I said. I turned to Louise.

"Was it something I said?" I asked.

"No.  She just have to take care of today's mission." Louise said.

"Oh I see." I said, "when am I going home?"

"Today. Back to the game." she replied.

Then time pauses. She and Scott paused in time. I was the only one awake.

"You are no king, you are no god, to me, you don't even exist." the voice said, "but since, you became a hindrance to my rule. You will die sooner or later. Beware."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Leon, your best friend, remember?" Leon said. "I put you into that dream, how was it? Hmmmm.... delicious?"

"Why are you always doing this?! To me?!" I shouted.

"You'll find out. August." He said as his voice faded.

Time regained had control. I've heard the name August before. Every time I hear this, my head gets gummbled and my memory becomes unclear.

"Luke, how did you get there?" Scott asked.

You are no king.

"Luke, are you okay?" Louise asked.

You are no god.

"Shut up." I said.

To me, you don't even exist.

The hospital emergency bell rang. It was unusual for me, you know, awkward. Every one was panicking. They ran out and some even jumped out of the building. I stared out at the window and asked myself, "when will all this end? When will I be put sleep?"

"Luke. Please. Do not think of that." Scott said.

"Why? Tell me what good things happened to me? Give a reason to live." I said.

"It's because.... she is waiting for you...." Scott answered.

"What? Who is waiting for me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell." Scott said.

Louise stood there as me and Scott argued about this certain person. It was crazy. The building was on fire and we kept arguing and arguing. She suddenly slammed the table.


It was silent for a moment then we moved. We ran across the burning hall and took the stairs. We rushed until we arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

"I'm sorry bro. About the argument. Are we good again?" I apologized.

"Yeah. Okay. People get all mashed up and angry when they don't understand."

Then we brofist each other. We were friends again. Meanwhile, Skylar came back perspiring. I'd say she placed a lot of effort to go here.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Fire, burnt down the hospital." I answered.

She ignored me like I never even existed. I was sad and I wanted it to be the last time, but it's just that I can't take it anymore. I don't want to love her, I don't want to think about her, but it's just that to my heart she's irresistible, no matter what. I never even get why did I fall in love with her. She's just stuck in my head and mind.

"I gotta go." I said.

"Okay. See you. Come back before midnight, at least." Louise said.

I walked away and strolled around the park. I stayed there until dark came and the stars shone their brightest. I was all alone, lying down on the grass.

"Why can't I stop thinking about her? What's so special about Skylar that makes me feel attached to her?" I asked myself.

It was like, I've met her before. I want her, I know her, somewhere and some time. She brightens my day up always. I started singing and she would always pop out of my head.

So hard moving on

This'll be the last one

How many times can I say

That you broke me in every way

There's nothing left to prove

She rose up and I fell through

Lost in space and I can't

I can't face what's in my way

When you stay up

I'm crashing down (I'm crashing down)

When you stay up

I'm crashing down

Now it feels like we're guessing and I don't know

I could stay or I could let you go

Don't wanna say that I've been wasting my time

But it feels like we're guessing

And I can't wait all my life

And everything that you've ever said

Is burned into back of my head

I can't forget, I can't forget

Don't be giving up on me now

Think I got you all figured out.

Someone clapped with a very small cute laugh. I sat up and saw her. When I mean her, I mean, Skylar.

"For who is that? Looks like she broke your heart pretty much." she asked.

"Ahhh... not exactly. I'm just not sure if she would accept me if I tell her." I said.

She sat beside me and laid down on the grass. I followed too. It was pretty much awkward because we were talking about my love for her, but she CANNOT know. She'll just break my heart and I know it.

"Aww.... why not? A good-looking boy like you? No one can resist you." she said.

"No. It's just that, I'm devoted to someone right now. I really really like her, but I don't know why." I answered.

"Seriously? Tell me who she is! This person seems so special to you!" she told me.

Now, this, is awkward. She wants me to somehow, CONFESS TO HER. I'm afraid though. I face felt hot and I think I'm blushing.

"You know? I'm jealous of this person. This GIRL seems so special to you, and I'm, ya know, I feel far away." Skylar said. "Bye now."

Just when I wanted to move on, she just stole my heart once again.

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