He's Mine (Danti)

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Dark POV

This was really starting to piss me off. Who the hell did this guy think he was? How dare he even look at my precious Anti. Apparently his name was Die. He was Felix's alter ego. Still... He had to go.

I wait for Anti and him to finish -- what would now be -- their last chat.

Then I start my plan.

I walk Anti home. We were really good friends. He just doesn't know how much I want to be more than that. He will soon. He is my husband after all... He just doesn't know it yet.

I start to daydream about my Senpai. The way his eyes sparkled whenever he started to talk about his favorite hobbies, or the way his laughter sounded like a beautiful symphony. I hadn't realized I had zoned out until his beautiful voice brought me back into reality. I look down at him and he is looking at me with a bit of concern.

"You alright, Dark? Ya kinda zoned out there."  I nod with a smile. "I'm perfectly fine. Nothing to worry about." He shrugs and we give eachother a hug before he walks into his house. Maybe I felt something more than he did when we wrapped our arms around eachother to give the hug. But he'll see. He has to. He doesn't have a choice.


I finally arrive at Die's house. I smile at the thought of seeing him cry out in pain. Or the luscious sound of his bones breaking. I was growing impatient. I needed to see the life leave his eyes. Now.

I walk up to his front door and knock, quite loudly.

He opens the door and stares at me as he rubs his eyes. "Dark? What are you doing here so late?" I smirk as I pull out a syringe. His eyes widen and he is suddenly wide awake. He backs up.

"D-Dark! What are you doing?! Dark, I'm not m-messing around! I'll call the police! DARK PLEASE!"

I cover his mouth and back him up against a wall. "Your voice is annoying." Tears stream down his face and whimpers are heard as he tries to push me off. I inject him with the substance in the syringe. His eyes close and he goes limp.

Now the fun begins.


I hum to myself as I get all of my weapons ready. All of my tools of torture. Each one has something special about them. Though, I think I can't choose a favorite. I hear muffled screams, meaning that my victim has woken up. I grin and spin around to meet his fearful eyes. "Ahh... You're awake. I was beginning to think that you were already dead." He tugs against the ropes, causing me to chuckle. "You're wasting your time. You will not escape. Take a look around. This is the last room you will see. I'm the last person you will talk to, if you can manage to speak with that tape on your mouth."

He glares at me, but I just grab a knife off the table that my weapons were layed out on. I walk over to him. He flinches with every footstep that I take.

I don't even show him any sympathy. I start immediately by stabbing his shoulder. He screams through the tape. Of course, it's muffled.

I smile and stab him a few more times. His face grows pale and tears stream down his face and land on his lap. I wipe them away causing him to flinch. "Don't worry, we haven't even started yet." His eyes widen. I laugh as I walk over to table and place the knife down. I grab my hammer and walk back over. I smash the hammer onto his hand. The beautiful mixture of his muffled screams and his bones breaking fill the air.

I smash and break a few more of his bones before growing bored of the hammer.

I torture him with a few more tools before he begins to pass out from blood loss. I smack him a few times. "Don't pass out on me, Die." He sobs through the tape and I roll my eyes. "Stop sobbing! Take the torture like a man!" He flinches. Gosh... How could Anti even like this guy?

After a few more minutes of torture, he is missing an eye, his mouth is sewn shut, and his arm is gone. I decide that it is time to end this. I had enough fun with this guy.

I stab into his chest and carve a circle before sticking my hand inside of him and ripping his heart out from his body. He dies. (Haha, get it?)


What a task that was. Cleaning blood off of you isn't exactly easy. I straighten my suit and hold the box close to my chest. Oh, how my Senpai would love this gift that I got him. I happily run to his house and knock on his door.

He opens it and looks up at me. "Dark? It's nine in the morning. Whatcha doing here?" 

I smile. "I got you a gift." I hand him the box. "This is to show you how much your friendship means to me." He nods and smiles as he invites in. I close and lock the door. He gives me a weird look, but shrugs it off. He sits down with me and opens the box. A scream escapes his plump lips and he throws the box away from him. I stand and walk over to him. "What's the matter, darling? Did you not like the gift? I got it for you. To show you how much I love you." I pick the heart up and kneel down in front of him. He glares at me and pushes me back. I chuckle. "Anti... You're making me angry."

"I don't give a shite! You killed someone!"  "For you, love." I caress his face. "I did it all for you. You belong to me. No one deserves to even look at you. We'll be happy together. Forever." He weakly shakes his head as tears stain his beautiful face. I wipe the tears away and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. "You'll understand soon, love." I knock him out.

"I'm positive that you will."

(1049 words)

A/n- Thanks for reading. I'm working on the Antisepticeye book. Here's a sneak peak.

I'll see ya guys in the next chapter

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I'll see ya guys in the next chapter. Buh-bye!


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