Pretty Little Psycho (Antisepticeye X KillerReader)

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Fuck him! I hate him! 

I pace back and forth in my room. Another day of hell/highschool had passed.  I punch the wall.  Why does he think that it's still ok to talk to me?! He brags about all the girls that are after him, as if we're f-friends?! Friends! He thinks we're friends! 

I start laughing. Friends with him?! I'd rather be tortured.

Kill him.

I hold my head. The voices were getting stronger. I usually did what they told me to. But, I couldn't k-" I look up into the mirror. My eyes were darkening. "I could kill him. I will kill him." I grab a knife and place it in my backpack.

Go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.

I fall asleep without hesitation or any problems. It would be the last time I had to think about him.


I wake up and slap my phone. After I turn the alarm off, I grab my backpack after getting ready for school and run towards my bus stop after waving to my parents. I hop on my bus. A minute after, he gets on. He sits next to me. 

"Hey Y/n! Sorry about yesterday. I know I said I would text you, but g/n and I hung out and I didn't have any time."  I bite my tongue and stare out the window as I put my ear plugs in to block him out. He continues to talk, but I can no longer hear him. 

We get to the school. I slip the knife in another students bag and walk through the doors. They walk through and get pulled aside by a teacher. "Let me see your backpack." They hand the teacher their backpack and soon after they get pulled to the office. I grab my knife and put it back in my backpack. The stupid security systems always get in the way. Luckily I had planned in advance. I run to my class. After a few classes, I walk to my last one. I take a seat and pretty soon he walks in. He's late. He sits next to me in his assigned seat. The luck I have.

Kill him

Not in class!

I finish my work and notice him on his phone. He taps my arm and shows me a picture of the girl he's going after. "Why were you late?"  "I was walking a girl to her class."  

I look away to roll my eyes. Of course he was.

I don't understand. He's not attractive. Like... At all!

Soon, the bell rings.

KiLl HiM

I feel my hand reach into my backpack and grab the knife.

Don't ask me what happened next...

Blood. A lot of blood. 

I look down to see him on the floor. Dead. Kids scream and run out of the class. I look down at myself. I'm covered in blood.

Such a good girl~

I shiver and back away. I can hear sirens in the distance. A guy appears in front of me. I scream. He's glitching! I wait for the voice in my head to tell me what to do. But the voice doesn't speak. It's silent. 

"Did you not recognize me?"

That voice... I hold my head and stare at him. "Y-you!" He chuckles and walks over to me. "You're even more beautiful in person." He caresses my cheek. I back away from him. "You made me kill him!" "You wanted to. You know you did. I killed g/n for you already. So we can go away now. Just the two of us." I shake my head.  "No? What do you mean no?!" I flinch and start shaking. 

He grabs my waist. "You're mine! If you don't come with me, they'll take you away. You don't have a choice." I cry. He wipes my tears away and lifts my chin. "Just relax, lass. You'll be safe with me."  I shake my head once more and push him away. I run towards the police and put my hands up. "I did it! I killed him! Take me away!" They cuff me and drive me away.


I was guilty. I did kill him. I sigh and lay back on the uncomfortable bed. I hear my name. I stand and walk towards the bars. I look through. No one. Everything is silent. I shrug and turn around before I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer. I bump into the bars and scream. "LET ME GO! HELP!" Everyone stares at me like I'm insane. I turn around to see him again. 

"Calm down, love. I found you."

"N-no! Get away from me!"

He chuckles. "You're making a fool of yourself, love. No one can see me. Only you."

My eyes widen. I pull away from him and back away. Two guards run towards my cell and unlock it before running towards me. A doctor rushes in and injects me with something. I try to scream and pull away but the guards hold me in place.


I wake up. "N-no. I'm not insane!" I pound on the door. "LET ME OUT! HE'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!"  "Indeed I will."

I scream. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I curl into a ball. He walks over to me and picks me up. I try to squirm away.

"Hush now. You're safe with me."

"W-who are you?" I suddenly feel tired.


I fall asleep.

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