Upside Down Alternatives

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In this beginning, Emerson is already Alpha. He had been away on trip for an Alpha thing and when he gets back he finds out that they got a cat prisoner and are interrogating her.

I groaned looking at the Pack House. I didn't really want to come back, but then again I hadn't wanted to leave either. Alpha meetings were stupid, all they were pretty much was all the Alphas in the states coming to one location a year with the wolf pack Alphas from other countries on a live feed so we could all take or declare war or something. But really all it was, was a meeting between 'high-class' pack members and Petunia Wines trying to match me up with her granddaughter ... who was lesbian.

I had wanted to go straight to bed when I got home but being Alpha just seemed to always get in the way. My friends, Hunter, Bruce, Drew, and my Beta, Grant, had said it was urgent so I came here before even going home.

"What is it?" I asked as soon as I saw them, minus Hunter, standing around. "Where's Hunter?"

"He's interrogating the prisoner." Bruce informed me.

"Prisoner?" They didn't tell me that.

"Yeah, a prisoner." Grant spat out with a growl.

"You guys go on ahead," I told Drew and Bruce. "We'll meet up with you." They looked a bit reluctant but left anyways, hearing the Alpha tone. I turned to Grant, "What's got you riled up?"

Grant ran her hand threw his hair. "It's just ... Hunter is being an ass. The 'prisoner' is just some little girl who was picking flowers around our territory. Didn't even know where the territory line was, at least that's what she said."

"But everyone knows where the territory lines are." I argued.

"I know," Grant let out a sigh. He looked so frustrated. "But, I don't know. This girl, she doesn't seem ... I don't know how to explain it. I'll let you see for yourself."

Grant walked with my down the cells. Not many were occupied, only a few with real bad criminals that have and will stay in there for a long time. It's time to see who this girl was.

We stopped at the interrogation room, built just like a police station's with the one-sided mirror. I sat down in a chair along with the other guys to watch Hunter interrogating the girl on the other side of the mirror. The girl was small, shockingly small with black hair that looked like a lion's mane. Her eyes were large and gray, not meeting Hunter's as he paced around her.

"I'm going to ask you one more time," Hunter growled from behind her. "Why were you in the Pack's land?"

"I was picking flowers." The girl's meek voice carried out strong, quiet, but strong which was impressive.

"Bullshit!" I jumped when Hunter shouted loud enough to wake up my father (who was in Hong Kong at the moment) a moment before he slammed down his fist on the table, almost cracking it. I saw that the girl had jumped too, fear invading her eyes and tears rimming to the brim. That's when I jumped up, pissed.

"Hunter!" I barked opening the door. The girl jumped when I opened the door but my attention was mostly on Hunter as I growled lowly, "You're dismissed."

Hunter looked shocked as if he thought I would allow him to stand there yelling at the girl, but reluctantly he left muttering curses. With a pointed look at the mirror, I motioned for everyone behind it to leave and if Grant was in there (which he was) I knew they would all be out in a matter of seconds.

I sat down across from the girl who kept her head bowed and her eyes lowered.

"What is your name?" I asked, it was the first question that popped into my head.

"Kriss." She whispered. Her voice seemed a bit dry like she hadn't drank anything for a while. I grabbed the bag I had been carrying and pulled out a water bottle, handing it to her. She took it but just looked at it then at me as if she didn't understand. I rolled my eyes, taking it from her hand and unscrewing the cap before handing it to her. She still didn't drink from it, looking at me warily.

"Drink it, it's not poisoned." I growled.

She lowered her eyes again. I was ... scarring her I guess. Her shoulders were shaking and I think those tears where coming back. She took a drink from the bottle then set it back on the table without the cap. I rolled my eyes again, taking the bottle and capping it.

I sighed heavily. I could see her small hands trembling.

"Look, Kriss," I leaned closer but that just seemed to scare her more so I leaned back again. "I'm not going to hurt you. We just want to know why you came into our territory."

"I was picking flowers just like I told the mean guy." She semi-whispered like she wanted to be brave but was still pretty scarred. "I didn't know this was your territory or whatever, it's just my dad told me that the prettiest flowers were over her and I was suppose to get some blue flowers and I had to get them before I came back."

Wait, her dad? Why would a dad tell their daughter to go into the wolf territory? From the smell of her, I could tell she was a cat and even a cat child would know to stay away from wolf territory. Did she really not know? If so, why didn't her family tell her? I couldn't even tell if she was telling the truth.

Man, this was raising way more question than answers.

"Okay, Kriss." I stood up, motioning for her to get up to. I saw her raise her hand to show me she had been hand cuffed to her chair. I let out a growl, that was going a bit too far, even for Hunter. I took out a spare key of mine from my pocket and unlocked the hand cuffs. I was going to have one serious talk with Hunter after this. "Come on, Kriss. I'm going to take you some where nicer tonight where you can sleep."

"Okay," she whispered and took my hand that had reached out for her. Her hands were small and soft, so small in mine. "Where are we going?"

"My house." I answered her. I was glad for the company too. Once I became Alpha, by law the house was mine and not my father's. I had wanted them to stay but I guess he had too much pride to ask and so did I. Now I was kind of lonely and I hope Kriss wouldn't mind. She seemed trustworthy.

I just hope that I was right.

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