Drew's Story

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Drew grinned as his truck rumbled and bounced along the dirt road. He wasn't all too sure of if he was heading the right place but the entertaining drive over there was kind of distracting him. It was so bumpy that Drew had to stopped himself and the truck for a minute to get out his giggles.

Then finally he made it to some sort of rock drive way that meander off long in between the trees.

The house was small, very small, and from where he stood he saw it was dimly lit. He wasn't even sure anyone lived in the little home. It's walls where a dark grey stone like a cottage with a black tile roof. One large window showed purple curtains and a slit of living room space with a couch. He knocked on the door, feeling the rough wood paneling and chipping paint. "Sloane? Sloane are you here?"

For a moment, Drew was afraid he got the wrong address and some schizo, gun wielding maniac would run out with a crazed look in his eyes and his grey hair sticking everywhere and start shooting him up but then a gurgled, "Go away," sounded behind the door and Drew knew it was Sloane's home.

"Sloane, are you okay?"

"Go away."

Not much of an answer.

After a moment of speculation and Drew looking over the rotting wood door perspectively, he called out to her, "I'm coming in!"

Before Sloane could even protest, Drew snapped the lock of the door (with his werewolf strenght, of course) and bardged into the home.

It was a sad kind of home, cold and with very little color. The walls were all painted a neutral color and there was no paintings or pictures. Even the furniture seemed monochromatic and lifeless.

"Sloane? Where are you?" Drew called out but was only answered in the sound of dry heaves. "Sloane?" He dashed to the room he heard it coming from and his heavy footsteps echoed against the wall. Following the sound, he was lead to a bathroom with the door closed and locked. "Sloane, open up. Sloane open the door!" He begged and pleaded.

Another dry heave, then an answer from Sloane saying, "No, go away," in a gurgled voice.

"Sloane please open the door, please." He whimpered against the door. Sloane was quiet for a moment except the occancinal heave from inside the bathroom. Finally, the door seemed to open just a crack and Drew hurried in before he realized just how small the bathroom was. Sloane was literly right in front of the toilet and yet not two feet away from Drew with the smallest shower he had ever seen to the left and sink to the right with barely any room inbetween.

But Drew didn't really pay attention to that, he was looking at Sloane who was curled around the porcelin camoade, looking like she about to barf but couldn't get it up. He practically jumped to her like a player for baseball jumping for the closest base.

"Sloane," He murmured, wrapping his arms about Sloane's back and she whimpered against him. "Sh, it's okay." He continued to whisper to her as he held her hair out of her face as she continued almost endlessly to rack her body with heaves.

"Drew, why did you come here?" Sloane grumbled once the barfing stopped, her tired head leaning against Drew's shoulder.

Drew kind of deflated at her question. Of course he hadn't thought she would jump into his arms with joy and start randomly making out with him but he expected something more thankful. "I wanted to check up on you. Someone said something about you being sick I think and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Sloane went still in his arms for a moment before relaxing and muttering a thanks.

"What was that?" Drew teased with a grin.

"Thank you," Sloane repeated.

"Huh, what?"

"Oh shut up, Drew." Sloane said but chuckled none the less and gave him a light shove. Drew noticed the slight frown on her face though and remembered she was sick so with one quick swoop he scooped Sloane into his arms and put her on the bed of the room he was just in. "Thanks, Drew, and I really mean that. Thank you."

Drew sat down next to where she lay, propping his head up with his hand. "No problem, Sloane, I'd do anything for you."

Had it been any other boy, Sloane would have thought she was hearing things when she said it or that the boy was just saying that to get in her pants but this was Drew and Drew was too honest for his own good and Sloane liked that about him.

She liked it a lot.

Sloane's range of guys never had many honest guys. The nicest guy she had met in her mind was Emerson and Paul but there was something about Drew that just tickled her to pieces.

And she was scared.

Sloane didn't want to relinquish control over her life and she knew involving any guy in her life would do just that. She liked knowing exactly how her life was to go and a relationship was one of the most trickiest things ever, you never knew exactly where it would end up. So she stayed away. But Drew just seem to prove himself to be good more and more each day.

"So, maybe we could reschedule the date, maybe tomorrow or something?" Sloane asked quietly, avoiding Drew's face. When Sloane did turn to look at him she almost burst out laughing at the stupid grin on his face like he was a kid who just won a pony, like a real pony.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He whispered, his eyes sparkling and Sloane's chest grew with pride that she was able to do that. "You should probably rest. When you wake up you'll have to eat but for now you should just sleep."

And she did.

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