Emerson And I

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Me: Hey Emerson, what do you think of the tornado idea?

Emerson: A tornado in our book?

Me: [Snort] No, in my other book.

Emerson: I haven't read your other book just that one comic thing you posted on deviantart and that's because the girl had big boobs.

Me: [Sarcastic] Well thanks, Emerson. Here I thought you could give me some help.

Emerson: You know what would help? Changing the name of the book. I don't like "Upside Down" It has nothing to do with the book.

Me: Yes it does! The book is about two people (you and Kriss) whose lives had turned Upside Down. Hence the name.

Emerson: Not alot of readers are going to get the concept though.

Me: [Pouting] I was going to clue them in, I just haven't found a good place yet. I'm thinking the very end when you tell people that thing I wrote.

Emerson: Oh yeah, but I still like that one cover you made that looked like Kriss. I think the title fit better too. the cover we have now it too cute for the story. [Pats my shoulder reassuringly]

Me: But it is cute.

Emerson: Yeah, the beginning but your starting to write the darker part right now, no? I mean, the beginning is basically Kriss and I bonding aand figuring her out. Now your getting to the second part where my fears are confirmed and more crap happens.

Me: Well yes, but I like the cover and it might confuse readers having a cover AND name change at the same time. Then they'll be wondering where there story went and how did this new story get here?

Emerson: you can run it by them first like saying what your doing...

Me: What the hell do you think we're doing right now? I'll probably ask what they think about the idea.

Emerson: Hey, and while were talking what does the second part hold.

Me: You'll found out soon enough, Emerson. You will find out soon. Mwuahahahahahahahaha [laughs evilly]

Emerson: I'm confused.

Kriss: [walks in] PUPPY!!!!

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